Thank Goodness

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Freshly fallen snow lay soft as it should

A raven, black as coal, landed next to me

He began to speak, cracking as an old man's voice would

'Come to me my sweet and beautiful girl

listen to my weak and broken persistence

I want you to help me find my parents in the woods'

So I followed the raven, black as coal,

to the pure white meadow near the whispy woods

I walked into the trees hoping the breeze would leave soon enough

The white snow soon turned red as I walked

The trees became faces of evil and death

The raven's claws dug into my back, causing the cloth to shred

The raven I trusted was then angered,

Black feathers fell onto the path below me

The woods grew deeper and deeper than ever before

I lost my mind more than once on the trail

The raven became heavier than boulders

This raven, black as coal, scratched into my back once more

I looked back at the raven with anger

His claws were monstrous and larger than mountains

This raven, once black as coal, turned gray before my eyes

His weight left my shoulders, I could now breathe

The only thing left of the raven before

Were its claw marks left on the bare skin of my back

Finally rid of the horrid raven

I left to go back home to my mom and dad

Destruction was left behind me and I couldn't go back

I traveled on and on and on and on

until my feet ached and the snow on the ground

Became something that was not worse to me than before

My eyes fell upon the path below me

My head down and my eyes filled with salty tears

I was ready for what came next, though I could not go back

Freshly fallen snow lay soft as it should

A raven, black as coal, landed next to me

This time I spoke first, no I replied, not again like before

The raven, black as coal, left me alone

And finally I was free, in the clearing

The sweet and soft meadow, where trees could not ruin or tear

I felt peaceful in the meadow and stood

The snow, pure and white once again, fell upon me

I knew I was finally safe, though memories still reside

I have pushed them away and they come back never

The ravens, black as coal, visit no more

And finally I can be me, alone in the meadow

Thank goodness

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