Broken Again

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We're pure now

Together cleansed

In the blood of one another

We find our own hearts

I've given him my heart and

He's given me his

Past fades away

And I've know him

for a lifetime longer

Dreams surmounting to

Something new

I've never felt this way before

About someone who never spoke

to me my whole life...

Yet I feel connected to him

As if he was my heart

Slowly being replaced into me

Stitching up what was never there

Hold me close

To your beating heart

And tell me everything

Will be okay in the end

That purity will always take over

What was once vulgarity

Thank you again

For the false hopes of tomorrow

The beautiful cuts of today

Silver stained with red

Purity stained with tears of scorn

Once again, sinfulness of my being

Has taken over me

Rip my soul to pieces,

My new heart to shreds

Smash what was left of anything

Anything that was part of me

Iniquity grips me like a vice

And beauty controlling my whims

Will I ever be good enough?

I guess I'll never know...

Broken Again

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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