♪PART 7♪

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It has been two months and someone keep on sending me a weird box or letter. My brother send me a letter which is not really a letter but some money one month ago. But this someone give me a box nearly everyday. Inside the box was a knife with a blood or some of my picture with a bloody knife. Whoever give this really are crazy.

After class i decided to stay at the library to bisy myself with books. Bit suddenly a girl approach me and told me someone give a box at the class.

Hearing what the girl said i tensed up. I get up and went to the class. At the class i saw no one. I look at the box at my desk which make me scared. I seat at my chair and open the box.

Once open the box i yelp and stand up from my seat. I saw two packets of blood and some of my picture. Beside the picture i saw a letter so i took it with my trmble hand. I then read the letter.

Like what you see?????
I hope you did because i will give you more that this.
Be ready Soyoung,Lee Soyoung.

I hope you find your brother soon.

I put the letter back at the box and decided to skip my class and go home. But i accidently bumped into Jeno. Before he could talk a walk away and went out from the University. It took 26 minutes from Uni to my house but i'm use to walk.

I quickly lock the door and run upstair. But i wish i didn't ho home necause i realized i jist mad a wrong decision. Someone was at my room and he saw me. I was about to run but someyjing hard hit my head and everything turned pitch-black.

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