Chapter Five:

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   Korra slammed her fists into the punching bag with intensity. The Avatar stayed light footed, doing her best to concentrate on her movements. With in her punches, Korra began to lose focus as her mind began to wonder. How was she supposed to be there for her as a friend, when all Korra could think about was her feelings towards the raven haired woman. It had been her idea in the first place to invite the CEO over... In an instant her punches began to swing harder with every throw. A beaded sweat began to collect on the girls forehead and with one final move she swung herself around. Letting out a loud grunt, Korra knocked the punching bag off the chain with a swift kick.

"What did that punching bag ever do to you?" Korra turned around and saw a smirking Bolin leaning against the wooden doorway with a gym bag hanging from his left shoulder. The Pro-Bending Arena training room had been empty. As it was only eight in the morning. She caught the gym towel Bolin threw at her and smiled. Wiping off the sweat from her forehead.

"Your late Bo and I've just got a lot on my mind these days." Her smile quickly dissipated remembering her previous thoughts. She walked over to the bench and sat down with a sigh.

"Nothing like letting out a little steam! Do you want too hit the weights first or maybe do a little sprawling?"

"Why don't I just spot you on the bench press for now." The couple stood up and began their morning work out ritual. They met very Friday morning they possibly could. 

"28.. 29... 30! WOOO!" Bolin set the bar back into place and sat up. "Man it's been forever since I've gotten a good pump in."

"Me too. I've also been meaning to visit air temple island to get in a good mediation session. Play around with Naga maybe. I just haven't had the time."

"I'll leave all the spirity stuff to you, but why so anxious Korra?"

Korra cleared her throat and mild panic set in. "Uhh well... I've just been caught up...."  Bolin arched an eyebrow and faced the Avatar. Korra began rubbing the back of her neck. Nervous habit she had picked up lately.

"Caught up in what exactly?"

"Ahem... inner turmoil." The girl contemplated telling him what was actually on her mind. "Look can I tell you something?" Korra began twiddling her thumbs.

"Sure I'm all ears."

"But you have to keep it a secret Bolin. No one can find out about this. I mean it." She crossed her arms and gave the guy a stern look.

"Yes! Of course, my lips are locked shut! The key? Gone. Nowhere to be found,  I promise."  The boy threw the imaginary key in his hand behind his shoulder. All Korra wanted was to let it out, just like ripping off a bandaid. So she did.

"Okay... ILikeSomeone..."

"You like someone?!" Bolin raised both eyebrows in excitement. " Who's the lucky guy?" He gasped, meanwhile Korra could see the wheels in his head churning. "It's not Mako again is it?!"

"What? No it's not Mako! Look my problem is that I can't figure out a way to function normally around this person with out my feelings getting in the way of our friendship. It's driving me insane." The girl finished and sat back onto the bench with her head down.

Bolin reached out to squeeze her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "If this guy is really your friend, I'm sure he'll understand if you speak up about your feelings. It's not good to keep everything all bottled up inside. I'm glad you said something."

"Thanks Bolin, for the record it's not you or your brother." Bolin took his hand back as his cheeks flushed a bright red. He let out an awkward laugh.

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