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"Mummy! Mummy!"  The white haired boy said with excitement. "Bedtime story. Bedtime story." Scorpius shouted "Pleaseeeeee" he carried out till he collapsed back in bed next to me.

"Okay dear, which would you like?" I spoke softly while the little white haired boys head rested so effortlessly on my open arm "There's The Three Little Pigs, oh what about your favorite, Cinder-"

"No I want mummy's story" Scorpius once again yelled. "The one with mummy and daddy!"
"Oh yes, that one's my favorite" I began to slightly readjust my body to a decent spot without disrupting the sweet boy who was pinned right by my side. "Hmm well this might be a little difficult" as a started a new sentence a soft, yet low voice came around the corner.

"What is?" With a gentle smirk displayed across a pale also white haired man. Gosh Scorpius and Draco could pass for twins if they wanted to.

"What are we all doing in here" Draco questioned? "Without me!" With a dramatic shocked expression displayed on his fair face and a hand pressed to his chest as he slowly crept around to the other side of the bed.

"I was just about to tell Scorpius a bedtime story hmm" as I stared down and tickled the tiny belly beside me. "He wanted the Mummy and Daddy story" I told him "Would you like to start us off dear?" I questioned draco

Once again the devilish smirk grew but this time to a greater extent. "Well alright, it all started out first year at Hogwarts..." All of us nuzzled next to one another, the words being spoken slipped through my ears and all I could do was think back to those times

All the adventure, war, young love. Heartbreak. But, that was all over now, now my life was filled with love, warmth, family. Everything I ever needed.

After those thoughts swept over my mind Draco's deep voice crept its way back to me

"...and the train was my favorite, there were loads of sweets and all our friends and the view out the window was quite nice" he said "you would love it my dear boy, wouldn't you" A tiny voice slightly buzzed with a "Mhm" as it slipped through his tiny lips.

I did too love that train.

Paisley Print ; A Draco Malfoy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now