what do you want

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Violetta's P.O.V.

Tomas came to me and Leon


V-what do you want???

T-oh harsh

L-ok go away and Leave me and my fiance alone


V-yeah we are getting married

T-i will get you back violetta

V-go away

And he left

V-dont belive him he's just jealous he wont break us up

L-its ok i love you

V-i love you too

Leon drove me to my house to my house Leon has met my dad my dad really likes him he said hes a good guy better than the others that i've dated

V-Do you want to come in???

L-sure is your dad home???

V-no he's on a buisness trip and romallo is with him annd olga has the day off only Angie is home

L-oh ok

We went inside and went up to my room

V-so what do you want to do???

L-we can watch a movie

V-what kind of movie

L-a scary one

V-i hate you

L-i love you too babe


We were in the middle of the movie

V-no dont go in there no No AHHHHH


V-Stop laughing

L-I-i-i-i cant hahahahahaha

V-i hate you for making me watch that

Suddenly there was a loud noise

V-what was that

L-i guess there is a storm

The thunder hit again

V-you should stay here its too dangerous to go outside and to drive at a wether like this

L-would Angie let me???

V-lets go ask her


We went downstairs angie was sitting playing the computer

V-Angie can Leon stay here tonight because of the storm

A-ok he can sleep in the guest room

V-no its ok he can sleep next to me

A-ok but no funny buisness

V-ewww gross

We went upstairs Leon went out of my room so i can change i qickly changed into my pj's and he came in we layed in bed and cuddled

L-i love you

V-i love you too



We kissed and fell asleep!!!

Hope you guys liked it!!!♥

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