romantic picnic!!!

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♥《Yeeeeey i updated YES im so happy im still really sick but im gonba try and update as much as i can》♥ bw i want to make a shout out to Love-liefde and check out her new book double life!!!

Violetta's P.O.V.

I cryed all night because of Leon but decided not to cry anymore and enjoy this last week with him. Leon said he has a suprise for me and that he'll pick me up at 7 its 5:30 now so i have to get ready i went upstairs to my room and put on a white dress and then some makeup and curled my hair then i heard the doorbell ring i went downstairs and opened the door and saw Leon standing there

L-you look beautiful

V-pritty handsome yourself

L-hehe ready???

V-yeah lets go

We went outside and to his car then we drove to the park i guess and then got out of the car he put his hands on my eyes

V-Leon c'mon stop it i want to see

L-yyou cant its a suprise

V-you know i hate suprises

L-i know but youre gonna love this one

V-i hope so

We walked for about 2 minutes and then he took his hand off my eyes revealing a beautiful picnic!!!

V-awww i love it

L-i know you would

V-im gonna be so sad when you are gone

L-lets not think about that, lets think about now


We sat down on the blanket and ate some food

V-im really gonna miss you whe-

I was cut off by Leon's lips i kissed back of course we pulled away

L-stop thinking about those things


Later on we packed everything up and drove to my house

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2015 ⏰

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