Prelude - In Between the Forrest of Green

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Sybil decides to check around the new world that seems to have overtaken Yharnam. In preparation for his trip, he restocks on blood vials and quicksilver from the messengers, lifts his holy blade upon his shoulder, and bids farewell to the Doll.

Kneeling at the headstone reminiscent of a castle, Sybil sends forth his body and consciousness to awaken in the new world.


Sybil awakens sitting down with his back to his blade, stabbed into the ground, staring into the darkness of the thick forest that surrounds him. Trees climb into the heavens, blocking the sky from view with leaves the color of uncut emerald. Sybil lifts his gear and starts to walk in a random direction.

After a couple of minutes, Sybil reaches the edge of the forest. With the trees no longer blocking the sky, Sybil is finally able to see the cosmos of the new world, complete with a shattered moon.

The sight stunned Sybil. He acknowledges that the Moon Presence is truly dead, unlike the Vileblood Queen Analise. He truly ascended to take the place of Flora.

Continuing on his journey, Sybil comes across a small settlement, containing only 5 small homes made of thatch and wicker. The homes appear damaged, with piles of straw laying on the ground next to the homes. Some of the walls had holes torn through them, giving a view straight into the homes. Sybil approaches the hole to see what the insides of the houses look like.

Upon viewing the insides of the homes, Sybil is reminded of his first days in Yharnam. The walls are stained red with dried blood, the floors are coated in gore and entrails, and the bodies which the gore came from are covered in maggots and larvae.

Off in the distance, Sybil hears a scream. Not the scream of the beasts or afflicted, but rather the screams of the dying or the damned.

Rushing off towards the sound, Sybil discovers many trails of blood leading in the direction he is going. Sybil hurries as the screaming grows more frequent and blood-curdling.

Frantically breaking into a clearing, Sybil discovers a small girl with what appear to be cat ears upon her head being slowly consumed by a beast the likes of which Sybil had never seen.

With the appearance of a black scourge beast covered in armor made of bone, eyes glowing red and fur matted with blood.

Without hesitating, Sybil rushes the beast with his holy blade, smashing the point into the armored faceplate of the beast. Surprisingly, the blade cuts clean through the armor and flesh of the beast, causing Sybil to stumble at the lack of resistance. As the beast dies, it drops the girl on the ground, showing her mangled leg.

As Sybil rushes to help the girl, he freezes upon hearing the arrival of more beasts to his position. Surrounded by the beasts, Sybil decides to switch to his Rakuyo, to more efficiently destroy the wretches. Sybil charges towards the beasts, splitting his blades.

Effortlessly, Sybil twists and weaves through the attacks of the beasts, retaliating whenever the chance shows itself, continuing his dance of blood and bone. Spinning around to fact the remaining beasts, Sybil rejoins his blades, deciding to pull out his beloved Evelyn, immediately taking out three beasts with perfect shots to their eyes. As the last beast charges, Sybil prepares his Evelyn. Right before the beast strikes, Sybil shoots its chest, causing it to stagger, and setting up Sybils visceral attack.

Rushing the beast, Sybil punches straight through the body of the beast, grabbing hold of flesh and entrails as he rends the flesh of the beast, leaving a gaping hole in the creature. As it dies, it begins to disappear, turning into dust instead of the corpses Sybil is used to.

A whimper reminds Sybil of why he originally came. Rushing to the girl's side, Sybil observes the damage done to her. Her right leg is missing below the knee, and her torso is littered with claw marks and bites. As Sybil nears the girl, she begins to whimper, drawing Sybil's attention to her eyes, or rather, where her eyes once were.

In an attempt to calm the girl, or at least inform her of his presence, Sybil clears his throat and begins to speak.

"It's okay now, little one. The beasts are all gone."

The girl jolts as his voice alerts her to his presence, and then relaxes once she realizes he is not a beast.

"Hurts... please... help..."

Sybil, being a great one and sympathetic in spirit, brings out his Choir Bell to heal her wounds.

"I'm sorry, little one, but I can only do so much. I'm afraid I can stop the bleeding, but I am unable to heal your eyes or leg."

As the Choir Bell rings, the girl's wounds begin to close, leaving only faint red lines where her injuries were.

"What is your name, little one? Where are your parents?"

Sybil asks as the girl's energy seems to drop.

"My name's Maria. My parents... they..."

The girl, now known as Maria, begins to sob. Sybil assumes that her parents were in one of the homes he discovered torn asunder.

"I'm sorry for bringing them up. Do you have anywhere to go?"

Maria shakes her head negative. Sybil debates taking her along on his journey and decides he should leave her in the care of the doll.

"Would you like me to take you with me?"

Maria agrees, and Sybil decides to find a lantern. Picking up Maria and holding her close, Sybil travels back towards the town, setting up the lantern in the center of the homes, lighting it with a snap, drawing a small purple flame and a few messengers.


As Sybil and Maria travel into the dream, Maria finally gives in to her exhaustion, falling asleep in Sybil's arms. Entering the dream proper, Sybil greets the doll, who sat upon the ledge before the workshop.

"Oh, Good Hunter, you have returned. And who is this little one?"

The doll tilts her head in curiosity, staring at Maria with an intent the Sybil cannot discern.

"I found her out in the new world. Her parents are no more, and I figured you would desire company when I am gone."

The Doll perks up in excitement at the thought of company. Agreeing to look after the girl, the Doll takes her inside the workshop, where she sets up a small bed out of the softer clothes that adorn the workshop. Deciding that Maria is in good hands, Sybil returns to the headstone to discover the name of the desecrated town: Addersfield.


A.N.) Hopefully Chapter 1 is any good. I've never written anything like this, so I hope it is enjoyed. Note – I am writing this between classes, so updates can be anywhere from weekly to monthly. I hope you all understand and don't attempt to rush me.

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