Part 1

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"Hey Lisa, i'm going home. Do you need a ride home?"

Looking up Lisa saw tzuyu already wearing her jacket and already holding her car keys ready to go home. Tzuyu's lips curve into a smile as she put her hand over Lisa's arm looking at her expectantly.

Though they went on a date mutiple times, it's always fun talking to Tzuyu. But it's hard for Lisa's to commit herself fully to Tzuyu. She know Tzuyu doesn't deserve this but she don't know how to stop, she want to fill this hole on her chest.

"Thank you for asking but i think i'm staying over at irene unnie"

Tzuyu just nod at seulgi and hug her a goodbye. Leaning apart seulgi thought Tzuyu going to kiss her on her lips instead the kiss lands on her cheeks.

"Goodbye Lisa, i hope you find the one. Take care" she whispered in her ear.


She was 17 when they first met, she was introduced to Chaeyoung by Irene unnie.

Lisa and Chaeyoung get along really well (that everybody think that they are dating), they are not.

Lisa for a while thought that maybe Chaeyoung felt something too, but the idea quickly vanished when she heard that Chaeyoung going to continue her study abroad.

She thought that whatever they had is just on her head, thus her first crush remained unrequited and for God sake
Chaeyoung keeps appear on her mind until now.

Lisa thought she was her soulmate because everything they do together when they were young was the happiest memories on Lisa's life.

Maybe if Chaeyoung never left her to study abroad maybe they already married and have this beautiful wedding on the beach. Making vows as the sun set and kiss her under a thousand stars, and the sound of waves making it perfect.

Or Maybe Lisa too lost on her thousand scenario if Chaeyoung never left that she doesn't hear Jisoo been calling her.

"Geez what's on your head? You seems in deep thought." Sliding in front of Lisa, they are currently on the coffee shop waiting for others too arrive.

"Nah just work, actually Tzuyu and i ended up things. Well more like Tzuyu ended up things between us"

"Not surprised but i thought you get along well with Tzuyu?

"I really want to make things work with her but i think i wasn't ready yet" Lisa sighed as she slurped her coffee.

"Well more like you still hung up on chaeyoung, i just want the best for you maybe its time to move forward? You know its been 10 years Lisa."

True Lisa need to move forward, but all the memories with Chaeyoung what makes Lisa feel alive. The good one and the bad one.


It's friday night means no work for tomorrow.

It's past midnight and she can't sleep so Lisa quietly leave her apartment with her chocolate milk and a bag of chips.

Walking slowly along the river with snow crunches under her boots, she found a bench under the lamp.

She sits there while munching the chips she brought from home staring out a the dark water.

It was quiet all she can hear is the sound of crisp she eat, being alone in silences makes her think about the past,  about chaeyeoung.


A Cold breeze passes by and Lisa jolts when she notices the smell that familiar

That bringing her back to the past, the smell of fruity scent. She know this smell too well, ten years has past but it still makes her heart beat faster.

She smile bitterly thinking she is going insane because of her and takes a sip of choco milk.

"Lalisa? Is that you"

Lisa freeze when she hears the voice, it can't be?

Turning her head, her eyes go wide.

" Chaeyoung? "

In front of her the woman who's on her mind constantly for 10 years looks more beautiful as ever.

"Its really you" Chaeyoung exclaims slowly her eyes go wide as though she can't believe its Lisa.

Lisa pretty sure her face looks so dumb right now because her mouth hanging open while both of her hand holding a bag of chips and chocolate milk.

" I thought you'd never come back "
She blurts out and Chaeyoung flinches which makes Lisa realize that she probably sounded way harsher.

"I'm sorry i didn't mean to sound rude, want to join me? " Lisa tap the seat next to her.

Chaeyoung nod silently and took a seat next to her.

"Want some? " she handed the bag of chips to chaeyoung

"No i'm good"


Seeing her after all these years, she never feel so alive. Even though she has so much to say. She keep her mouth shut, scared to say something wrong and acting overly excited. She doesn't want to scare Chaeyoung away.

Lisa's want to puke out excitment because chaeyoung is here. Beside her breathing the same air as her.

"How have you been Lisa? " pulling Lisa out of her thoughts.

"I'm doing fine, i open up a dance school and i choreograph dance for kpop group as a freelance. And nothing much has change"

Including my feelings for you

They catching up, ask what have they been and what they do but she can't help but wonder when and why she come back here.

"When did you come back here?" She finally ask her

" Actually i just arrived yesterday morning, still got jetlag so here i am "

"Are you here for vacation then ?" Deepdown Lisa wish she stay here for good but scared to be dissapointed she doesn't hope much.

"I was offered a job and i took it" Chaeyoung look up wanting to see Lisa reaction but Lisa just freeze looking back at Chaeyoung.

"Lisa, i'm staying permanently this time."

Lisa smile widen and thanking heavens maybe this time they can make it right.

Lisa wish she still have chance with her.

She's here for good.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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