Yaarukku Yaaro??

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M:Pudhusa therinja thaana naa thitta..........


Her words made everyone go into another shock mode.........
Everyone stood there flabbergastered other than kathir..........

Even parvathy and Murugan got pleasantly shocked on these words.......
They both were surprised to the core...........

De:Ne.....nee.........enna solra??


Mullai hesitantly paused for sometime..........She then looked at him.........

He too was looking at her.........

Ulagam suthardha namma niruthittu flashback povom vaanga..........

That night when the guests arrived...........

Adhavadhu after that "Kadhava successfully kathir thappa pottu ulla vandhadhum"..........

Mullai after entering the room went and sat in the corner of their room with her heads placed over her folded knees......

Kathir as usual took his "paai" and laid it on the floor........
He then got the necessary accessories, made a set-up ready to sleep and laid down..........


Sleep seemed to be faraway from him.........
He who sleeps as soon as he lays down didn't get sleep even after twisting and turning for about half an hour in the mat.............

Mullai though didn't look up or lay down beside still was able to sense his motions........
she didn't care a damn to look up as she was in her own bewilderment........

Kathir understood that he wont be able to sleep..........

He got up and sat leaning on the wall straight opposite to her........

Mullai felt something in her opposite direction.......Out of instincts she understood that someone looking at her.........

Slowly she lifted her head up to understand that he was looking at her.........

He wanted to talk to her.........
She wanted to talk to him.........
Both wanted to say something to the other person.........


Something stopped...........
Maybe their ego..........
Maybe their strained relationship till then........

Both were staring at each other for sometime........


It was kathir who started off to broke the ice..........
something which never happened in his life till date..........

He who never speaks is trying to speak to a girl........
Infact his worst counterpart...........
Even in that situation he let out a bitter smile wondering the irony of his life.........


Mullai said nothing but the sharpness in her looks increased........

K:Na..naa unkitta onnu sollanum.......


K:De.....Devi pathi...........

Mullai again said nothing but her face got reddened with anger..........

Though she didnt respond verbally, he understood that she is listening by the change in her facial expressions..........

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