Chapter four.

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After breakfast, Eric went to the office and i was left all by myself again.  I decided to take a stroll outside and familiarize myself with the neighborhood. 

"She was supposed to be here an hour ago. Do something about it or else am going to make sure that I'll ruin you and your firm. What?. No, make sure this one is competent....".

I heard someone yelling. I  wondered who it was and was about to go and take a peek when I heard some giggling behind her. I looked back and saw that it was the angels from yesterday.

"Hello angels, come to me. Come to Mama".  I called bending to their level. A pair of two beautiful eyes looked at me curiously before finally running to my  arms. I cruddled them in her arms giving them some of my chocolates bar that  I always carried around with me. I looked at the two angels, the older one looked around five and the younger on was around three. Both  are girls. They were so adorable and cute.

"Aren't you girls cute, tell me where your Mama  is and I'll take you to her, you shouldn't be loitering here on your own". A little frown appeared on the elder girl's face and I wondered why.

"It's good that you are already here. But you are late. Here come with me ". I heard a voice say to me. As soon as the girls heard the voice they tore away from my arms and run towards the direction of the voice.

"Please, don't waste my time Miss, am already late for an important meeting. I wonder what type of  employees your agency has, so dumb". The voice said and I wondered who he was talking about. I looked behind me and saw no one. Was he talking to me?. I wondered. The two little girls came to me and took my hands leading me to the source of the voice. When i reached, the man had already turned and was making long strides towards the building. I followed quietly as I didn't know what was going on and the little girls were practically pulling me towards him.

" Look girls, i don't know where you are taking me. Is that your papa?. I asked, pointing at the man, the eldest girl nodded.

"What's your name honey?. I asked as I couldn't keep referring to them as girls.

"Lizzie, and my sister is called Maya". She said in her cute little voice.

"Such cute names for cute little girls". I said leaning to tickle them, and they giggled. I leaned and picked Maya as she was having trouble keeping up with us. Holding lizzie's little arm, i Walked with them, to where?, I was yet to find out.

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