Part 8. :D

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Warning: homophobic actions, breakdowns, self harm, suicide mentions, panic attack, hyperventilating, bad habits, depression mentions. 


(Bad) What do you think it will be?

(Quackity) I don't know, but I'm worried about it..

(Bad) I promise everything will be alright, plus I'll be here with you no matter what

(Quackity) Thanks.. Can you drive me.? Its gonna be tomorrow around 15:00

(Bad) Sure -hugs-

(Quackity) Thanks 

- Bad then grabs Quackity and holds him tight, they cuddle for the next few hours giving each other pecks on each others cheeks time through time. Quackity slowly falls asleep in bads arms. As bad noticed Quackity falling asleep he whispered ¨I love you Quackity, and I'll love you forever.¨ that sentence made Quackity smile as he finally fell asleep. -

---The next day.---

(Bad) Were almost here

(Quackity) Oh. I'm terrified..

(Bad) I understand, but remember I'll always be here in the end

(Quackity) Thanks...


(Quackitys mum) Hello, Alex.

(Quackity) Heyy mum..

(Quackitys mum) I needed to speak to you about something.

(Quackity) What is it..? *biting his fingernails*

(Quackitys mum) I heard you were homosexual, Alex. Mind explaining this.?

(Quackitys mind) ** I don't have anything to be ashamed for, I love Bad and I'm not scared to admit it, but I have a strong feeling she will hurt me or something... I don't know what to do.. I'll just admit it, plus Bad right there, right? ...Grow up Quackity... **

(Quackitys mum) Well.?

(Quackity) You're right, okay?! I am homosexual, and i have a wonderful boyfriend. I love him and im not afraid to admit it. I have nothing to be ashamed about, mind the fact it's nothing nor you or I can control. 

(Quackitys mum) That is disgusting behavior, Alex. I am disappointed

(Quackity) Be disappointed then, I'm not afraid to express who I really am..

(Quackitys mum) SHUT UP!! Homosexuality is a sin. I am ashamed to call you my child, and you should be disgusted in yourself. 

(Quackity) And I am ashamed to call you my mum.

- Quackitys mum had a look of shock on her face. She whispered a chain of swear words to herself and continued to yell at Quackity for ¨disgusting behaviour.¨ She then slapped him in the face and stomped away disappointed. She ran to her car and went back home leaving Quackity on his knees on the verge of a breakdown. Bad had no idea what to do so he decided to pick up Quackity and drive him home. He treated him well with cuddles, kisses and food, all the things that made him happy. He allowed Quackity to cry on him, trying his best to comfort him, this time it wasn't really working. He didn't like seeing him this way, obviously, he continued trying to think of how to calm Quackity. All he could think of doing was giving him hugs, kisses, and cuddles. Instead, he let Quackity cry it all out, he remained holding him close and letting him know he loved him. Quackity fell asleep unknowingly, and so did Bad. -

Time Skip to morning.

Quackitys pov:

Im assuming I fell asleep..oh well. I feel horrible still, I'm gonna go to the bathroom.

~QUACKBOYHALO~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя