799 19 53


warning: suicide, murder 



Quackitys pov:

Hello officers, what is your need to bring us here?

(Officer One) Don't play dumb you disgusting human

What do you mean by that..?

(Officer 2) Continue playing dumb and you'll see what happens.. 

(Quackity) * smiles and laughs while slowly looking up at the officers* Well you see, I do not care... - Quackity kicked the officers, got Nale and ran out with Bad, Nale was confused but Quackity only said they had to flee the country immediately. There were cop cars chasing them as they slowly left asia, Quackitys goal was to get to America, which would take a while but he knew it wasn't impossible. A while later, still on the run from the police, the radio blasted out ¨ 3 PEOPLE ON THE RUN FROM POLICE IN A **** ON *** ***** ** HEADING NEAR THE AIRPORT HEADING TO WHO KNOWS WHERE, THESE PEOPLE ARE MURDERERS, STAY HOME, AND IF YOU'RE OUT, GO INTO LOCKDOWN IN A SAFE STORE.¨ Nale stared at Bad and Quackity concerned but didn't mind as they had been into arson and murder before. Bad told Nale ¨don't worry about anything, well all be safe in the end, I promise. ¨ As hours had went by the 3 had been all over the news, there was no way they could get to an airport now, they had turned around and went a different way all the way to India. In India they could reach an airport mainly because police had stopped chasing them and they were only on the South Korea news. Hours later they finally reached the airport and had escaped on a plane on their way to america. Later on nearly 20 hours later they had made it. They all died their hair, got new clothes then went to an abandon island that was near the ocean and had a great view. They then got their life together and lived freely and happily still with the ability to stream, however Nale started online school instead. 

    As time went by, the police and fbi started tracking Quackity, Bad and Nale. 

Fbi agent one: Jackie, she/her

Fbi agent two: Stew, he/him

Police one: Maggie, she/they


Jackies pov:

Guys I found where the kid goes to school, the kid goes to online school tho!

(Maggie) Whats the kids name and gender?

Uhm i'm not so sure, it has the kid as a female but also shows under as nonbinary? 

(Maggie) Some schools allow children to change their name/gender in the school system but always have the first copy, so they kid might be trans

Yeah it looks like it, Nale who is they/him apparently

(Maggie) Makes sense, where does the kid attend school to?

Calvy St 5534 

(Maggie) I've heard of that before! You said the kid goes online though, correct? 


(Stew) This might be hard because we still don't have the location of where the 3 live

(Maggie) Well find it, trust me, then we'll get them locked up and the kid a new place

(Stew) Well I sure hope the kid is treated well

By the looks of it, he is, you can't change your name in school without parent permission

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