The Scars From The Past...

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Sully's POV (Sully is in control):

I held Ari close to me. What the girls said was way out of the line. Liu had to try keep me from killing them a second time. LJ walked over and made her smile slightly, then fell asleep once again from crying. I felt people looking at me, then realized it was Slender so he knew who was in control before saying,"Sully, please take Ari to yours or Jeff's room until we have one ready for her."  I looked at Jeff as if to ask whose room she will be in for now, but the fucking cunt ignored me to attend to his dog. Like bruh. I'm your brother, give me attention. I walk off with Ari in my arms, unknowingly being followed by the fucking demon clown everyone likes. "Its strange seeing you this calm Sully. What's going on?" The clown asked as we entered my room. "Ok one, don't fucking follow me without telling me and two, this little one has a calming aura around her...its nice." I replied, while Liu in my head just sits there shocked as fuck. Wow is it really this big of a deal that I'm calm?

I put Ari down on my bed, only for Clockwork to walk in with cloths for the kid. He handed them to me, then stupidly asked "do you want to change her or shall I?" Ok if your going to ask me that question, or anyone really, why hand them the clothes first? The stupidity of some people.  "How about I change her and call you if I need any assistance," I snapped back. Boy did she not like that, she wanted to change the kid from the way she acted. She stormed out of my room and all the way downstairs again, pounting like a little kid. I started taking Ari's clothes off and what I saw...not only did it piss me off, but it made Liu worry a lot about her mental stability. All over her body were scars from what looked like whips and deep cuts from sharp blades. He arms and legs were bruised to the point where I'd be surprised if she can still walk. Liu took control.

Liu's POV:

I took control over my body and remembered that LJ was in the room. I looked at him. He got the memo and sat next to Ari after placing a blanket over her. I ran out the room and to the others. "Bro, you good?" Jeff asked, only to make me and Sully growl at him to say no. Slenderman walked up to me, placed a hand on my head and asked, "what's wrong?" I told them. We told them about what we saw. It was hard enough to try calm Sully down but, I couldn't blame him for being this pissed off. I was pushed out of the way as Jeff legged it up the stairs and to my room to see for himself, of course I followed him to keep an eye on him, he didn't like what he saw and he knew where the marks came from too.

LJ was holding Ari, when she saw me and Jeff she smiled. How. How can she smile like that with all those marks. "She's fine Jeff, I gave her some candy," LJ said, once he said 'candy' all hell broke loose with Jeff. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU GAVE HER CANDY?! SHE HAS SCARS AND BRUISES ALL OVER HER! IF YOU POISONED HER I'LL-" he was cut off by LJ as he held Ari closer to him. He calmly stated that he didn't poison her, that it was regular candy and that he would never hurt Ari in such a way. I looked at Ari and my heart sunk. She was scared. Not for herself, but for LJ. It was as if she didn't want him to get hurt, that she would take the hit for him, if only she could.

EJ walked into the room in his regular calm demeanor. He went over to LJ and Ari, sitting next to them so he can get a better look that the new family member. He had his navy blue mask on, my guess so he didnt scare the kid with the fact that he doesn't have and eyes and his skin if just gray.

Ari's POV:

I looked as the man with the blue mask walked in and sat next to me and my new clown friend. I was still scared after big brother Jeff had his rather loud outburst but, I was more worried about what he would do to the clown more than anything else. I reached out to grab the mask from the other man next to us but he flinched away, causing me to pull my hand back and lower my head. I felt a hand touch my head, as if patting me to say "its alright", causing me to look at who was doing it. It was the masked man. "I'm Jack or EJ," he said with a soft voice, to which he added, "I heard you have markings on you that shouldn't be there, can I have a look?" I thought for a moment. I climbed off the clown and onto the masked mans lap, keeping the blanket on just for the warmth. "Is it ok if we go to my room, theres stuff in there you might like while I look at the markings," he said causing me to be a curious little shit so I nodded. He picked me up and left the room, big brother Liu following, leaving big brother Jeff and clown friend alone. All I could do was hope that they became friends again.

We entered EJ's room, soon entering a room connected to his bedroom. Upon entering, he sat me down on a metal table and walked off again as if he was getting something. Brother Liu was with me. He smiled, I then realized one eye was red and the other was green, indicating both Liu and the other side of him were watching. "While we wait, let's play a game ok," he said, walking over to me. I got excited, I never played a game before. "I make a sound or say something and you have to copy ok?" He added, causing me to nod. EJ walked back in just as we were about to start. "You stole my idea Liu, or was it Sully who did?" EJ said, his voice was a mix between a laugh and annoyance. Both of Liu's eyes flashed red, I guessed it was Sully's idea. The only reason as to how I knew was the fact that Liu's eyes were green, leading me to think that this Sully person had red eyes.

Liu and sully, in the same body of course, turned their attention back to me. They made a simple "Eee" sound and I copied it the best I could, since it was in the rules of the game. Liu kept making sounds that I then copped, as we played I didn't realise that EJ was looking at my scars and bruises, until he touched the most recent one on my back, causing me to wince in pain. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," he said, calmly. I nodded and looked down, until I heard the door the EJ's bedroom open. Footsteps came closer and closer to the room we were in, my mind filled with different possibilities as to who it is, one being that of someone from the orphanage. Brother Jeff walked in and my mind relaxed. "Me and some of the others are going back to the orphanage to 'talk' to the staff and other kids there, you guys want to come?" He asked. Back to the orphanage? My mind was running with possibilities yet again, all bad. I grabbed the blanket and curled up, trying to hide. Jeff must have realized what I was thinking and walked over to me. "Hey, Ari, your not going back in that hell hold ok...I promise. Your one of us now." He reassured me, Liu walked over and added, "your our little sister now and that isn't going to change." I popped my head up from underneath the blanket and looked at them, with a small smile. "You two can go, me and Ari are going to play a guessing game," EJ said. With that, both of my brothers left the room, leaving me and EJ to play the game he had thought of.

((A/n: holly shit 1437 words ;-; 3 POV's. What next, a Zalgo attack?! Slenders brothers appearing?! ORPHANAGE REVENGE?! .^. Who knows, only the future shall tell.....BAI!))

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