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Hey sexy mamas, welcome to a book that is probably very well overdue for me to write considering I've been hyperfixated onto FNAF since grade 6. Here's just a few little key things to remember going forward

Y/n: your name
Y/l/n: your last name
F/c: favourite colour
F/f: favourite food
F/d: favourite drink
Everything else I'll probably just put in brackets such as (food of choice) or something like that since y/n isnt living off of one singular food/drink/colour

I suggest reading the content warnings in the description of this before proceeding

Another little disclaimer for the entire book, there will be multiple routes within this, mainly when it comes to the relationship with William Afton. I'll explain what I mean when I get to that point. This isn't an interactive book if that's what you think I mean, it's like, more of what happens depending on what happens in the story. Like, whether you continue reading following the canon timeline or whether you prevent some of the tragedies from happening. I hope that makes sense.

And with the content warnings, I just suggest reading with caution because I'll most likely forget where to put what in each chapter. When it comes to the stalking/abuse, that also really depends on what events happen in the story as I tried to describe above

I'm probably rambling on and making no sense, but I just wanted to get that out of the way. Now then, please do enjoy

EDIT: Thank you CamsterHale for the cover!

"Don't Move" A William Afton x Reader BookWhere stories live. Discover now