The Beginning

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(BTW your quirk is light manipulation and dragon.You can basically do what a dragon does and you can manipulate and source of light.You can also heal and add power to people while in your dragon form.But if you stay in your dragon form for too long, you either pass out or become quirkless for 30 minutes)Sorry its my first story and I don't know how to make the picture do down so yeah

This is what your dragon looks like

(Your mom was Midnight, aka Nemuri Kayama.And all the staff were your aunts and uncles and loved you a lot.Even aizawa and all might, which is strange.)

"Y/N, GET UP, YOUR GOING TO BE LATE!" shouted your mom.You loved living with her, but she can be a bit much at times.You tried to get dressed as quickly as you can.You kissed your mom goodbye because your love for your mom went deeper than the Mariana Trench.

"You still have quirk training with Bakugo so your better be home by 4:30." yelled your mother.You just said okay and grabbed your stuff to walk out the door.You have the UA entrance exam today.

(I'm really lazy so I'm just gonna skip to the part where you make it into UA and it's your first day at school.)

"Wow, so this is UA. Really big.I wonder if they are gonna hate me because of my quirk.Maybe they think I'm too powerful and that they won't want to be my friend." All of these thoughts filled your head.You didn't realize you were at UA until you bumped into your best friend.

BAKUGOOOOOOO!! Yo I didn't think you'd be here.HA just kidding I know you are really powerful." you yelled as you rushed over to him and give him a big fat hug.

"Oh, hey Y/n.Did you see that big white dragon that showed up all of a sudden? he said while looking back at you.

Oh, yeah I did. Hehe, well that was me.I was that white dragon.It's my quirk along with light manipulation." you said looking nervously.

WAIT, THAT WAS YOU?!YOU HAVE 2 QUIRKS?!" he screamed as he stopped in front of you.

"Why not tell the whole world while your at it?" you said sarcastically as you were referring to his screaming.

ANYWAYS, what class are you in?" he asked as you both walked into UA.

"I'm in class 1-A.What about you?" you said while walking through the halls looking for 1-A.

"Same, I'm also in 1-A." he said nonchalantly.

You just gave an excited squeal as you bummed into someone short and white.

"UNCLE NEZU! It's been a while since I last saw you.I missed you, how have you been.

"Oh my, Y/n I have missed you too.I haven't seen you in a while.What have you been up too?"he said while looking at you really happily.

You and Nezu had a long conversation until the bell rang.You and Bakugo ask him where 1-A ia and he showed you.

As soon as you walked you saw something amazing


This is my first wattpad story and I am really sorry if you don't like it

I am trying my best and if you could take the time to read it

I would really appreciate it 


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