Chapter 10-Her Memories

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I saw a girl sitting down on the floor with her head in her knees crying. I sit next to her and say"What's wrong?" I didn't expect her to hear me so I was surprised when she lifted up her head and looked at me."Who're you?"she asks me with tears and a little bit of snot running down  her face. "Me? I'm Jack Frost." I say. She laughs and wipes her face on her sleeve. She looked to be about 9 years old. "Well Hey Jack Frost. My name is Azeala."She says and then she looks at the floor and plays with her shoelace."And for whats wrong its that my parents died today." She says. I nudge her and say"Well nobody besides you can see me." She looks at me and says"Well then I am the first person to see you then" I laugh and say"Yeah you are." Minutes passed. Hours passed. Days passed. Finally years passed. We became the best of friends and you could say we were together all the time. I was her first friend and she was the first person to see me. She was my everything. I wanted to take care of her and have her be happy.

"Jack c'mon let's race back home!"Azeala says to me as we start to run. I slow down and pretend that I purposely didnt. We having a good time. We had to go pick up her cake from the shop and we are currently racing back. Today was her birthday where she turned 13. I really wanted her to have fun especially today. Anyhow we were racing and I was near a couple feet behind to let her win as she takes that sharp turn she sticks out her tounge at me and I laugh. Then I see a bright flash of lights as she was turning. I started to run faster and I yelled"WAIT AZEALA!" I knew I couldn't get there fast enough and I slammed down my staff to make ice so either her or the truck would go the other direction. I started to run again and I saw that I thought would help backfire. The ice did slip the truck but it hits her dead center. I yell "AZEALA!" And I run over to her. There was blood coming from her head and she had bruises scratches and many more on her. She was passed out and people are gathering. People were whispering on who she was how this happened, etc. I mover her hair out of her face.and I watch as the ambulance comes. I could feel myself crying. The one person I wanted to be happy the most could die from blood loss. I watch as the ambulance leaves. I go with it and they treat her. As long as I an confirm she is okay I will leave. I have no right to be here right now after all I done. I can only blame myself for this. If I didn't make the ice then maybe just maybe she wouldn't have gotten as much injured. I am outside of the hospital window and I can hear them say"She is perfectly fine. She just got some scratches. Now-" I stopped listening after that. I get up and I sigh a sigh of relief. I walk away and I lean against a tree. I have no right to go back there. I have no right to speak to her again. She could have been killed and it would be my fault. This is all my fault.

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