Part 4

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As I quickly make it to my sisters room, I see through the little slot of glass that she has killed everyone in the room except for one kid who looks as if he's seen a ghost, which I mean is accurate. I knock on the locked door and she quickly comes to unlock it.
"Who's that?" I say as I enter the room locking the door behind me.
"I don't know, just some kid he hasn't been bit and hasn't had the vaccine."
"Ok he can come with. I have a room that for now is safe. Come on."
As we leave the room I see my favorite teacher charging towards us.
"Damn it." I tell our companion to stay behind me and my sister cause I know she can stand her own.
"I'm sorry." I say bitterly, hoping that what I've learned from tv is right. I swing the lamp hitting Ms Elizabeth over the head with it chopping her head in half and watching her fall over dead for the second time today. We sprint towards my classroom and I knock on the door three times. I see Suzze run to the door to let us in.
"Are you guys ok? Who's that? What's it like out there? Is that blood?" She asks before I hug her and look to the rest of the class and ask,
"How are we coming with that white board?"
The teacher turns to me and says, "good, how's outside?"
"Bad, I ran into Ms Elizabeth. I feel bad for her. Ok I have to go out again, I'm going to see if the food supply room is zombie free."
I look to Suzze, Apple, and our newest member and my heart drops. What if I can't save them? What if I can't do this leader role I snagged? What if this really is the end for us all?
I hear my name being called.
"Alice. You should take a look at this..."

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