Love these hoes

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A/N this is my first book and so if you guys don't like it don't worry i will just tear off my toes and put them in a soup because i like that kinda vibe🥵 Anyways here is the story.

Hallelujah's Pov:
I woke up at around 11am because i'm a fat arse just like my last name...... BUNDA it is very sad for me because i got bare bullied for it in school. I used to get called 'Bundalicious', 'double cheeked up' and many others. One time it got to a point where i tried to slice off my own cake :(  Anyway I walked to the shops and then i saw this proper fit lad so i went over to him and said 'oi what are you looking at' and he said 'girl you so caked up i want a slice' and then i ran over to him and slapped him hard across the face whilst letting out a breath i didn't know i was holding!

Pistols pov:
She had a mad arse I thought and all of a sudden she's running over to me a slapping the living shot out of my cheeks!??!
'Fam what you doing' i groggily muttered whisper shouted. She was fine tho like i'm not gonna lie she was mad.

Hallelujah's pov:
This guy is kinda fine i thought to myself 'you wanna mari me??????????' i asked sheepishly but cutely giggled (😂) 'omg yes i do want to get married how'd you no??' he answered repeatedly causing my left ear to fall off.
'OMDS LOOK WHAT YOU JUST DID YOU PILLOCK!!!' i shouted aggressively
'nah allow it fam youre ugly asf go do one' he passively answered and left but not before kissing the ear in which my ear once was.
-3 month time skip-
Hallelujah's pov:
I was so sad to see my reflection staring back at me! A one earred girl is ugly as but at least i still have my gluteus maximus. Suddenly my phone rang
-ring ring hoe ring ring-
I picked it up and it was Pistol!!!
'hey Hallelujah i have you're ear here if you want it but that's only if you want to come over to big tesco and get it yeah?'
'OK PISTOL YOU SILLY GOOSE GOVE IT BACK IM ON MY WAY TO THE BIG TESCO!!' i screamed down the phone then hang up.

Broom broom i'm in me mums car (i'm funny hahahaha😐) (nah but fr you lot have got to stop adding shit like this to you're stories xoxo)
I ran into my car and pulled out the driveway sooner or later i was parking my car in the big tesco's car park when i saw Pistol and began to run over to him.
'HALLELUJAH WATCH OUT INNIT' he shouted but it was too late. The man was too late like always!!!! A huge line of about 15 trollies crashed into me knocking me off my feet and getting crumpled into a small shopping bag sized person.

Pistols pov:
'NOOOOOOOOOOOO' i screamed and ran over to what used to be my gyal. She was died and was reduced to nothing but a plastic bag. Her nokia brick survived tho so bonuses innit. But yeah no it was bare sad so i got in a trolley and scooted off.

Guys this was really hard to write 😫😫😫 I loved Hallelujahs  character sm and her family played such an important role in this
Anyways i love you my lovelies and have a great night epilogue will be up later!!!

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