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A/N: Hey guys, for those of you who don't know me, I'm Ash Merlin and for those who do, hey again! This is my Spider-Man story, it's my first superhero story that I'm writing on here so feedback on it will be greatly appreciated. This is a fanfic of sorts of Spider-Man: No Way Home, it's gonna be a little similar to the movie because of the trailers I saw but it's also gonna be different from it as well, this is my version of it and some parts of it are gonna be what I think might happen in the movie. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!

"Peter, you have to run!" MJ immediately shouted at  me as everyone around us started to look in our direction and started to come towards me.


"Peter, just go. I'll warn the others but you have to go." MJ looked at me in determination but it soften just enough for her to give a look of reassurance. "Look, we'll find a way to prove you're being framed but the only way to do that is if you run now."

I don't wanna leave but I know she's right. "I'm-"

"I know, just remember this isn't your fault." MJ pulled away from me and started walking backwards, grabbing a broken glass bottle before swinging it at everyone who got too close to me. "Now get out of here, Web-head!"

I nodded before I turned around and shot my web-shooters at a nearby building and started swinging.

As I swung over the streets of Manhattan, I kept seeing JJJ broadcast the news feed of Mysterio's last message, hearing him twist the story even after I defeated him. I risked a glance down and I wish I hadn't. Police cars were racing directly below me, their sirens blaring.

"SPIDER-MAN, WE ORDER YOU TO STOP! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST!" A cop shouted into his microphone.

I ignored him and kept swinging. I wanted to stop, just so I can explain everything but MJ's right. With all the evidence stacked against me, the cops won't believe a word I say. So until I find something to prove that Mysterio was the one behind the attacks, I'm on the run.

Thwip, thwip.

I looked to my right and I saw a helicopter flying near me, an officer with a megaphone in front of him.


I ignored them and just kept swinging.

I glanced over again and saw them getting a big gun ready. I swung myself over to a tall building and started running over the rooftops.

My Peter tingle — dammit Aunt May, come on — started going off and soon after, I felt something hit me in the side and I started to feel dizzy as I lost my balance. One of the cops must have darted me.

I got to the edge of the building and looked down at the ground below, realizing I won't be able to make the jump, not while I'm like this.

A different cop had the megaphone this time and he was saying something but whatever they hit me with was starting to take affect so it made it a little harder to concentrate.


It was a tempting offer but like I said, Mysterio's fake videos looked way too convincing. There's no way the cops will believe me, not until I have proof that Mysterio was lying. So with that in mind, I took one step backwards and started free falling towards the ground.

Luckily for me, my spider instincts took over and I was able to avoid becoming a splattered mess on the cement — just barely. I stumbled around until I gained enough of my balance to run in the opposite direction, occasionally crashing into trash cans.

I kept hearing sirens everywhere as I ran through the alleyways, immediately steering into a different direction whenever I came across someone. The dart they hit me with was making me feel really dizzy and it was getting harder to run. I mean, it feels like my legs were made of concrete or something-


I hit something — probably another trash can — and fell to the ground, rolling for a few moments before I stopped and landed flat on my back, the cold ground pressing against my skin.

I looked up toward the sky as I heard the helicopter get closer.

I have to keep going. I thought as it got harder to stay awake.

I turned on my side and tried to get up but failed as my body got too heavy to lift itself up, my vision blurring.

"Hey, I found him. He's over here."

I heard someone talking and through my blurred eyesight, I saw figures coming toward me.

Oh no. I thought as I panicked.

"We have to hurry."

A second voice made itself known as the figures got closer until someone knelt right in front of me.

"Don't worry, Peter. We'll get you somewhere safe."

I didn't much strength to stay conscious any longer so as the person finished talking, my vision went black and I fell into unconsciousness.

A/N: This is just the prologue for the story so it's short, sorry but I hope this little peek gets you interested in the story and want to continue reading. I'll try to my best to update regularly once a week but I can't make any promises though I'll try very hard to! Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed it and vote and comment if you want to and I'll see you guys with the next chapter.

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