First Encounter

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A/N: Here's the new update, hope you guys enjoy!

I sighed as I waited for the WiFi to connect to my computer again.

Free WiFi doesn't always mean good WiFi. I thought to myself as I sighed again, rubbing my eyes as I drank some of my coffee.

I was hanging out at a mildly crowded cafe, wearing my stretchy black jeans, my trusty E=MCSquare T-shirt, my grey sneakers, and my dark blue hoodie that was pulled low over my face. Nothing too inconspicuous. Okay, maybe the low hood was a bit much but my face is plastered everywhere, I can't let anyone recognize me. Especially since I'm risking myself at getting caught by being here to try to do some of the homework I've been missing.

What? Just because I'm on the run from the police because they — and everyone else for that matter — think I'm a murderer, doesn't mean I'm letting my grades go any more down than they already have been getting.

I sighed, slightly frustrated. That's it.

I quickly pulled up the hacking software and started going into the WiFi signal, trying to boost it.

What? I got bored one night and noticed that there was a hacking lesson programmed into the computer. I figured it would have come in handy.

Just as I was finishing up on boosting the signal, I saw out of the corner of my eye that my glasses were blinking blue — Edith's way of telling that she's got something when we're in public.

I looked around to make sure no one was nearby to overhear and put the glasses on, Edith's schematics coming to life in front of my eyes.

"Whatch got, Edith?" I asked quietly, trying to look normal and not like I'm talking to myself.

I asked Edith to keep an eye out for any information whatsoever relating to the black hole — or quantum breach that Edith so eloquently put — that opened up over Manhattan two days ago. That thing caused a lot of panic. Before the Blip, yeah, people would have freak out. But after the Blip? That's a whole different story entirely. Everyone is more sensitive now, especially with things like the black hole. Hence why I asked Edith to give me a heads up about it so I can know how to deal with it or if necessary, avoid it — though it's most likely the former. Especially since Edith said that the black hole was a rip into reality. Heard that one before but still. Who knows what came out of that portal and whatever it is, it's now roaming around in New York.

"According to Manhattan police reports, they've concluded that it was nothing serious, noting that it was a freak occurrence since nothing came out of the wormhole."

During Edith's explanation, there was something that stood out to me and it didn't make any sense.

"Wait, they said that nothing came out of it?" I asked, making sure that I had heard right.

"Correct." Edith said.

"That can't be right." I said, the streaks briefly flashing into my memory.

"It is." Edith pulled up a police report and it said exactly what she said.

I leaned back in my seat, my mind racking for an explanation.

That doesn't make sense. I thought, running my hand through my hair, pulling my hood up a little. I know what I saw.

"Edith, are you sure nothing came out of that black hole? Are you absolutely certain?" I asked, needing to know that my time in space or in the mind stone isn't making me go crazy.

Edith was quiet.

"Edith?" I asked, still no response. "Edith?!" I added in a hiss.

"I did detected some anomalies come out when the portal first opened." Edith expressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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