"Your favorite, right?"

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     Authors note: Harmony is my OC. The art above is also mine and depicts her and Dark. If you'd like to see more of my art, check out my Instagram page under the same name! The Markiplier Egos of course belong to Mark Fischbach. Now onto the story~


     Valentines. The day of love. The day of lovers. The day that had you spend a ridiculous amount on mere chocolates, flowers, and other cliché knickknacks. You couldn't go anywhere in the city that wasn't decked out to celebrate the holiday. Every shop window and street corner had at least the image of a heart slapped onto it. The Egos home was no different. Even though the large group of lookalikes lived outside the city and even beyond the forest, their home too hadn't been spared the infectious feelings, and was decked for the holiday. It was Wilford who had suggested in a meeting that they celebrate the holiday, and so naturally, they did. At this very moment, the man was still skipping about, using hearts, glitters, and other love related decorum throughout the manor sized home to spread the "Valentines cheer". 

     Even though the holiday was advertised as a day for lovers, that did not stop the Egos from getting into the spirit of love. Really, they used it as an excuse to have a party. So, they all pitched in with their own tasks to set up a fun time for later that evening. Some such as King, Bim, Silver, Yancy, Illinois, the Jim twins, and more were busy in the kitchen, enjoying baking chocolates and other fun Valentines themed sweets and foods as well as cooking up a storm for dinner. Others such as Bing, Yandere, Eric, Doc, Magnum, and of course Wilford, were helping decorate the rooms in the house for the holiday, specifically decking out the living room where the main festivities would be held. Wilford had insisted he play "cupid", desperately wanting to use a "prop" bow and arrow around the house. Many of the Egos were thinking the same thing, hoping he would be forbidden from doing so. Thankfully, Dark immediately made known that he was not interested in having the unfortunate Egos that crossed Wilford's path get hospitalized. The idea was shut down as soon as it left the eccentric man's mustache covered lips. The Egos sighed in relief. 

     But as the Egos busied themselves with their own hobbies, a certain winged young lady was at work on her own quest within the house. Valentines was indeed a day used for many a purpose, and many a meaning, but to Harmony, it was especially important that you show your love for the people you cared about in some way. And that's exactly what she planned to do. All throughout the day, each individual Ego would come across a bag of something sweet, catered to their preferences as well as a little note attached, clarifying it was for them. It was a pleasant surprise indeed. She carried on doing this all morning till all that was left, was one.

     Meanwhile, Dark was busy at work in his office. You'd think him the type to not even bother with such a holiday as this. However, he had been planning a special something for his very special someone. Dark and Harmony were not an official couple, they weren't even boyfriend and girlfriend, simply because neither of them had confessed to each other. However, every Ego knew Dark's feelings for her, and it was quite apparent that she felt the same for him. Unfortunately, it seemed that the only ones who did not know this obvious news, was the two love birds themselves. The Egos assumed the two were just too bashful to admit their feelings and left it at that. They knew it was only a matter of time before one broke and confessed. Still, that didn't stop them from teasing the two any opportunity they could get.  

     Dark's musings were interrupted by a knock at the door. He hid absolutely anything that could ruin the surprise before answering. Thankfully, it was only Wilford.

     'If he asks to play cupid again, I swear,' Dark thought and groaned.

     "Hello, Dark! What are you doing cooped up in your office all day? The parties gonna start soon. You will come, right?" Wilford asked, his query verging upon commanding.

"Your favorites, right?" Dark x Harmony(OC) (Valentines Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now