Chapter 5

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"Thanks, but you really didn't have to do that for me.  I know you guys are probably close, living in the Glade and all," I told Newt, but on the inside I felt so much joy knowing someone would go to such lengths to stand up for me.  "He would do it for anyone," I thought to myself, and although this was probably true, I still felt a little giddy inside. 

"No worries, that shank had it coming, never liked him much anyways," Newt said giving me a small smile.  "Good thing things didn't escalate any further or we'd have to deal with a pulvarised Newt," Minho joked.  "Hey, I could have taken him with ease, no problem," Newt said cracking his nuckles with a plastered smile on his face.  "Oh, I'd love to see that, a Runner with no muscles take on a Builder," said Minho rolling his eyes.  "No muscles?  Shank, what would you call all this klunk?" Newt said flexing his arms.  I burst out laughing.  Not necessarily because of his muscles, or lack there of (at least compared to Gally), but the use of the vocabulary really sent me over the roof.  Shank? Klunk?  What was going on? 

"Wow you really know how to crush a man's spirits," Newt said slowly putting down his arms.  Just then both Minho and Newt joined me in fits of laughter.  The rest of dinner continued like that before it was time to head to sleep.  "Alright, we should get going to sleep," Newt said as he stood up.  "Lady-bean, I'll show you where you'll be sleeping," Minho said with a smile.  I nodded and gave Newt a quick wave goodbye, before following Minho out. 

We went outside to a structure that was basically just a roof.  "Some shanks sleep inside, but most of us sleep outside," Minho said gesturing to all the hammocks that were strung up.  "This one will be yours.  My hammock is a little bit farther.  The one next to you I believe is Newt's," said Minho.  "Newt I going to be next to me!?" I thought to myself, slightly panicing.  I looked over to my hammock.  It seemed sturdy.  There was a box sitting next to it.  "Oh, someone left their things here," I quickly said picking the box up and turning to Minho.  "Oh no, lady-bean, that came for you.  It's probably just some clothes and what-not.  All Greenies get their own box," Minho explained. 

"Oh, thank you then," I said giving Minho a quick smile.  "No problem, you ever need anything just give me a hollar.  Nice to meet you shank!" Minho said before walking off to him hammock.  After he turned around, I opened the box to see what was inside. I found a few blue long sleeve shirts, two short sleeve creme shirts, a pair of brown pants, and a pair of black pants.  No wonder these boys have such tattered clothing if this is their whole closet.

I set the box down and looked around me.  I was in an outermost part of the sleeping area so I only really had one neighbor.  I stared at my neighboring hammock.  Minho said it was Newt's and I wasn't sure if I was happy about that or not.  For all I know I could snore in my sleep, and I've only just met the guy, don't want to scare him off.  On the other hand, the way he stood up to Gally, I know that if I was to start screaming in the middle of the night because someone was trying to abduct me, he'd help. 

"Did some shanks put a shuking bug in my hammock," the voice that I have come to associate with the beautiful British boy said.  "Huh, uh no, sorry.  I was just thinking," I say flustered that I have been caught staring at his hammock.  I set my box down next to me and laid back in my hammock.  I looked over to my right at the starless sky.  It was so peaceful.  There was some small chatter from amongst the boys as they settled in for the night, and a light breeze whistled past my ears.  Maybe it won't be so bad here after all.  "Goodnight Mar," I heard Newt mumble already almost half asleep.  I turn to him, smiling.  "Goodnight Newt," I whisper.

I slept very lightly that night.  Any sound of movement woke me up.  It was never anything important, only boys getting up to go to the bathroom or moving around in their hammocks to get more comfortable.  Once when I was woken in the middle of the night due to someone getting comfortable in their hammock, I looked over at Newt who was sleeping peacefully in his hammock.  One of his arms hung over the side of him hammock as he slept.  I sighed and closed my eyes to try and fall asleep again. 

I was once again awoken by shuffling, and my eyes sprung open, darting around the Glade.  I realized is was only Newt getting ready for the day.  I quickly noticed that it was finally morning.  Over to the left I could see Minho getting ready as well.  "Sorry Mar, didn't mean to wake you," Newt whispered since most of the Gladers were still asleep.  "No, I wasn't sleeping well to begin with," I mumbled rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.  Newt chuckled softly.  "Ya that's pretty common for Greenies,"  he said while lacing up his boots. 

"Tell you what Mar, if you get dressed really quickly, I'll let you eat with me and the rest of the Runners," Newt said winking at me.  I smiled and quickly sat up in my hammock.  After attending to my hair and picking out a clean shirt for the day, I followed Newt to get breakfast.  Most of the Runners were already seated at a table.  They were almost all completly silent and just concentrating on their food.  Runners are not morning people.  Note taken. 

As I approached Frypan, he seemed shocked to see me up so early.  "Are you running today, Greenie?" he asked while handing me a plate of food.  "Not today, just got up early," I said smiling.  "Oh are you one of those morning shanks?" Frypan asked in almost an offended tone.  "I don't know, it's only my first night, but I'll keep you updated," I said before walking off to sit down next to Newt.  "Greenie!  What are you doing up so early?" George asked from across the table.  All the Runners turned to stare at me.  "Uh...just don't...want to miss anything," I said, my eyes darting from one person to the next.  They seemed satisfied with my answer and looked back down at their food.

"Ah, the excitement of being a Greenie.  I do miss it sometimes.  Can't wait till you try out for a Runner.   Wonder which of these shanks you'll be stuck with," George continued.  "Whoever she'll get, she'll probably die of boredom before her legs get get tired," joked Minho but still I'm pretty sure he still had his eyes closed.  "Oh ya! I heard you had quite the run when you got here," one of the Runners seated diagonally from me said.  I nodded through a mouthful of food.  This bacon is really good!  "I'm surprised you could run like that.  You know, being a girl and all," another boy said.  "Wow, that was sexist,"  I thought to myself. 

I was slightly surprised I even knew a word like that, if I'm being honest.  Some of the boys looked at him questionably.  "What!?" the boy explained defensively.  "Okay, enough chatter shanks.  Two more minutes and we are heading to the Doors," George announced picking up his already empty plate.  Other Gladers started walking in as the Runners got up to leave.  I probably looked scared as I looked around the room that was now filling with Gladers, knowing I only knew a few Runners, because Newt walked up to me and suggested I come with to the Doors.  "It's always a hit for the Greenies to see them open," he said smiling.  I nodded in agreement and went to follow them out.

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