Bastards These Days

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Alex POV

I had a feeling in my gut telling me to follow Lucy. No, Alex. Thats called stalking! I yelled at myself in side of my head. If only the universe would give some kind of sign to-"Alex." Carla had interupted my thoughts and tugged on my towel that was rapped around my waist. "What is it Carla?" I asked squatting down to her level. "I have a bad feeling that something wrong is gonna happen to Lucy while she is gone. Do you think you and Natsu could go and watch her? Just don't let her know you're there," Carla told me keeping it quiet.

The universe is awesome, I thought then replied,"Yeah sure. I was getting that feeling too." I stood back up and grabbed my stuff, in the process I dropped my towel. I jogged up to Natsu and grabbed his wrist,"You're coming with me somewhere," and with that I dragged him off. "Hey where are we going?" Natsu asked walking behind me. "Carla and I are worried about Lucy getting hurt being alone, so we're gonna follow her just in case," I said like it was nothing. He rolled his eyes,"She's probably going to find her boyfriend Lucas." I came to a stop, turned towards him and stepped on his toes,"Don't say that! Lucas is a player, and he's a cocky bitch! Lucy doesn't like guys that are like that, she likes guys that are exactly like you."

Natsu blushed, and I clapped my hand on my mouth knowing Lucy told me not to tell him,"Oh, shit." Natsu was still confused,"Lucy.....likes me?" The color in my face was flushed,"W-whaaaat? I-Is that what I said? 'Cuz I could've sworn that I said something else." Natsu narrowed his eyes and shook his head,"Nope, you said Lucy likes guys just like me. By the way, your a terrible lyar."

I crossed my arms and pouted,"Am not." He chuckled,"Well thats a relief, I thought she liked Lucas." I smirked evily and looked at him,"So you were jealous?" He sweated and looked away,"I didn't say-" "Relax, I already know you like her," I told him starting to walk again.

"You know, I hate your Dragon Queen abilities," He said jogging to catch up with me. "Yeah, Yeah," I said.
Lucy POV

After awhile of jogging and walking, I came to the life guard station where I saw Lucas disappear to earlier. I didn't see him around so I figured he had left. I took a step foward, but stepped on a broken beer bottle. I held back a cry of pain because there was a piece of glass in my foot. I didn't want it to get infected and I couldn't put preassure on it so I limped alittle."Geez that hurt," I said to myself. Thinking there was someone still here, I walked around the back of the building, but instead I found a loopy Lucas holding a bottle of booze.

"Lucas?" I asked taking a cautious step foward. He looked up at me and smirked,"Sup, Lucy~" he was able to slur. He stood up from his sitting position and walked towards me, stumbling some. "Um, you said you needed to ask me something and I was wondering what it was," I said scanning the state he was in. When he finally got in front of me, he tripped and grabbed my waist pulling me down with him. We came down with a loud thud and he sat up a little. "Ow," was all I was able to manage. "You know, your eyes are really pretty. So is your face, but your body is amazing," Lucas slurred again getting closer to my face. He slid his hand up my leg, which made me really uncomfortable so slapped him across his right cheek.

"What the hell Lucas?" I asked him slightly irratated. Lucas glared at me then grabbed my wrists forcefully an pinned me to the ground,"Something fun," Then he slammed his lips into mine. I tried to pull out, but he wouldn't let me. I bit his lip, hard, which made him pull back. "Stop it!" I yelled trying to loosen his grip. "That wasn't very nice, Lucy. I'll have to punish you," Lucas said. Punish me? I don't even want to be in this position any ways so what the hell does he mean by-

My thoughts were interupted by Lucas bringing his hand across my face. I yelled in pain and in fear."Let me go!" I yelled at him again. Lucas didn't listen, he tightened his grip on my wrists and smashed back into my face. This process contiued. I bit his lip or tongue, He slap or kick me, then he would go back to kissing me. Why did this happen to me?
Natsu POV

We were still walking on the beach. Alex has gone through two bottles of booze in 20 minites and is working on her third. "Are you okay?" I asked her because she doesn't drink this much unless something is up. "Well, there is this Ball at the resort, and someone at the arcade asked me to go. I'm just really nervous, I've never really gone to anything like this," Alex replied. I was confused,"A Ball?" She nodded then smirked,"You should take Lucy, she really likes that kind of thing." I felt the heat rise in my cheeks, but that was interupted when I heard a familiar yell. "Lucy?" I asked.

I looked at Alex and she had a worried look on her face. I looked in the direction of which Lucy yelled from and started running that way. I swear if someone hurts my Lucy, they'll pay. I kept running until I came to the life guard station I came around the back of the station to see Lucas slap Lucy then kiss her. That furiated me,"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled at Lucas, shoving him off of Lucy. He stumbled backwards and then fell on his back. "Oh, please. I made my move before you did, I probably made my move alot better," Lucas said stumbling to his feet.

Alex had came jogging up shortly after and was comforting Lucy. "How dare you do that to Lucy! You forced her! You hurt my Lucy, so now your gonna pay!" I said before punching him in the face and sending him flying backwards. "Don't let me catch you near Lucy ever again, bitch," was the last thing I said before he ran off. I turned back to Lucy and Alex to find Lucy hugging her knees and Alex looking at the ground. "Bastards these days," Alex mumbled. I didn't bother with her, I kneeled down next to Lucy and looked at her tear fogged eyes and asked,"Are you okay?" She shook her head and buried her head deeper into her arms.

"Can you walk? Do I need to carry you?" I asked. She unburied her head and finally said something,"I- I stepped on a broken bottle on my way here, so no I can't walk." I got the hint and picked her up. Then I swung her around and put her on my back. "Lets go," Alex said and we walked away.
Mira POV

We had just finished watching Safe Haven when Alex came through the door looking pissed. "Sup, guys," she said as she crashed in the beanbag beside me. "Where's Natsu and Lucy?" I asked worried. She shook her hand dismissively and replied,"Natsu took Lucy to his room so they could sleep. Don't worry Romeo, Natsu is laying in the bed with Lucy, but when you go in there be quiet." Romeo and I nodded and I continued,"Do you wanna pick a movie Alex?" She nodded and walked up to the CD player to pick a movie. "Mind telling us what happened?" Gray asked. "Juvia would like to know what happened as well," Juvia said. Everyone else nodded in agreement. "I don't want to talk about it. Besides it's up to Lucy anyways," Alex said not making eye contact with anyone.

Something's not right. "We're watching Jupiter Ascending," Alex said and crashed into the beanbag again.

(FTF// yes I know that its not in theaters yet but I couldn't think of any other movie that sounds awesome)

"Are you sure your okay?" I asked her while she popped open another bottle of booze. She nodded and we watched Jupiter Ascending.
Natsu POV

I carried Lucy to mine and Romeo's room and automatically got tweezers and a first aid kit to get the glass out of her foot. She was practically traumatized from what had happened. "Thank you, Natsu," Lucy said as I finished up wrapping her foot in a bandage. "No problem, I'll always be there for you," I replied with a grin. She blushed lightly with a grin, but then she stopped and looked at the floor. "Whats wrong, Luce?" I asked her worried. She shook her head lightly and then looked up at me with tear filled eyes again,"This always happens. Something bad happens and there's nothing I can do but let it happen."

I wiped the tears from her eyes and gave her a small grin,"There was nothing you could do about it. You didn't know Lucas would have done that." She shook her head again,"I know, but I shouldn't have gone there in the first place." I sat on the bed with her now and pulled her into my arms. She wrapped her arms around my waist, and buried her face in my chest. We sat like that for a little while until she wasn't crying. Then I think I heard her snoring a little bit. When I pulled her away from my chest, she was asleep. She so cute when she sleeps. I layed her down on my bed and started walking to the door.

"" Lucy asked and turned over,"Can you stay in here?" The heat came back in my cheeks, but I didn't hesitate. "Sure, Luce," I replied before laying down with her. Before I drifted off to sleep, I pulled her into my embrace and said,"Good night, Luce." I was fully asleep, but I could barely hear her say,"Good night, Natsu."

Alright! I've updated the chapter. So, if you havn't noticed, I SUCK at writting love scenes, but yet I have the guts to write a NaLu One-shot book. Please cheack it out! Thanks for reading!

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