Truth or Dare

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YO GUYS!! I'M BAAAACK!! So sorry about the long wait. Congrats to the winners of the contest, you can see the winners in the previous Authors Note.

Alright no more procrastinating here it is!

Third POV

Everyone was sitting around in the guy's room. Some were laying on the floor, while some were upside down on the couch or in a chair. "I'm sooooooo bored," Natsu said looking at everyone around the room. Mira's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree,"We should play truth or dare!" Almost everyone groaned. "Why can't we play a different game that doesn't involve your crazy match making schemes?" Levy asked sitting up from the floor.

Mira looked at Levy,"It shouldn't matter now. Almost everyone in here is a couple now." Everyone looked at Gray and Juvia and mumbled,"Almost." Gray looked away to hide a blush, while Juvia stared at the floor.

"I think we should play," Erza chimed in. After a few more acceptions and one forcing, they gathered in a circle. Mira sat down and put a bottle in the middle,"So who wants to go first?" Erza volunteered and spun the bottle. The top of the bottle landed on Wendy,"Wendy truth or dare?"

"I-I'm gonna pick.... dare," she said nervously. Everyone's eyes widened even Erza's.

"You're gonna do a dare?" Lucy asked suprised. "Yes," Wendy said a bit more confident than before. Erza cleared her thoat and said,"I dare you to sleep with Romeo tonight." Wendy's and Romeo's face turned tomatoe red. "It's a dare," Mira said with a gleam in her eyes. Wendy nodded and spun the bottle, which landed on Gray,"Truth or dare?"

Gray chose dare thinking what Wendy could possibly do......... but he was terribly mistaken. "I dare you to french kiss Juvia."

Their jaws dropped. "Wendy..." Romeo murmered. "What? He underestimates me," she replied with a grin. Everyone turned to Gray and Juvia, waiting for them to fulfil the dare. "S-sorry," Gray mumbled before french kissing Juvia passionately.

Once they broke, Gray spun the bottle and the tip landed on Lucy. "Lucy truth or dare," Gray asked. Lucy flat out said truth. "I'm not taking any chances," she said crossing her arms. "Alright, who was your first crush/ first kiss?"

Lucy blushed and replied," It was Natsu." Everyone replied with an aw, except for Natsu who was blushing too. They continued through the game, in which Juvia was dared to sing a song about Gray, Erza had to go with out cake for a day, Laxus confessed his feelings for Mira, Romeo revealed his favorite TV show to be Thomas the train, Gajeel had to sing Anaconda, and Jellal told the group he was a virgin. Just as they were finishing the game, Alex walked into the room and fell onto the couch face first.

"Is everything ok, Alex?" Mira asked poking her arm. Alex turned her head to the side and looked at Mira,"No," she said depressed. Lucy sat on the arm of the couch,"What happened on your date?" Alex burried her face into the couch cussion and said,"Everything."
I know you guys probably hate me right now, but im cutting this chapter short. I haven't updated in forever because I dropped my phone and then something about the mainframe being scratched or something, yeah the guy lost me at "too much preassure on the WORD I DONT REMEMBER chip." So yeah......... IM BACK CAUSE I JUST GOT A NEW PHONE!!! And i was happy to see tht I had 106 notifications to look through! -_-"......... yeah I sat in my room for a while. PLEASE FORGIVE ME! Updates will be more frequent now because I want to finish this fan-fic before the next Watty Awards and all of tht good stuff. Well im done for now.


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