The Weaslys

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The Weaslys Were Just Round The Corner From Y/n. But With Not Going There For Years, She Completely Forgot.

Once They Arrived Molly Greeted Her With A Hug
Molly- "I haven't seen you in ages dear! Not since you were a little toddler."
It was a delight for Molly to see y/n again. She used to look after her, what felt like every night.
Then came banging of stairs, and two boys with ginger hair came rushing to the door, Fred and George. Fred and George are the Weasly twins. There more like best best friends than brothers. Y/n didn't recognise them at first, even though she loved them dearly as a child. But once they shouted her name, a smile shone on her face. Cheek to cheek.
"FRED! GEORGE!" She cried with her eyes tearing up.
Then she ran towards them and jumped for a hug.
Molly smiled, and wondered why she had not came for years. What happened? She often thought to herself.
"Come in you two," said Molly "there are biscuits on the side if you would like some!"
Although Fred and George didn't care about the biscuits at all. They grabbed y/n arm and arm and took her upstairs.
Remus shook his head. "They seem exited." He said smiling to Molly.
Molly replied saying that they wouldn't stop going on about her. They wanted to know why she hadn't came for years. Remus froze. "You don't know...."

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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