Archery Lessons

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*ding ding* The door rang as (y/n) strolled into the archery shop. Upstairs was a set of targets for training, which is where she intended to go. She hefted her long bow onto her shoulder and adjusted her quiver. Hoping this was going to be a good start to the sport, (y/n) clomped up the wooden stairs to the indoor range. There waiting was a tall, fit man with long blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He wore simple dark jeans and a black exercise shirt. "Welcome, I am Mr. Greenleaf, your instructor. And you are?" "I'm (y/n)." "You're a bit late, (y/n), but let's get started. Come here at the 10 yd line for an easy start." You strolled over to the line, waiting for further instruction. You noticed Mr. Greenleaf's strong cheekbones as he stepped closer. "Now, face me. Draw the bow now. No- relax your hands, hips back." He placed his hands on your hips and guided them into the proper shooting position. You felt a shiver shoot up your back at the touch. "Now, focus on the target, lean your head to the left some- there- now whenever you're ready, shoot." Releasing the string, the arrow hit the outer ring of the target. "Nice try, (y/n)" You and Mr. Greenleaf continued this for about an hour before you were hitting bullseyes from 15 yds, and decided it was time to wrap up. "Thank you, sir." "Call me Legolas."


You and Legolas had become best of friends. You haven't seen each other outside of archery lessons, but you were comfortable with each other. It was finally Tuesday, the day of your lesson. You pack up your bow and supplies, and drive out to the range. The familiar sound of the door opened rang through the crisp, dry air of the range. You saw your teacher lying on the bench with a pillow. You placed your archery stuff in the corner, and strode over to him - he was sleeping. You looked down on his pale face, and shining white-golden hair. It draped over his shoulder and over the edge of the bench. Small braids held his bangs behind his ears. He was muscular, wrapped in a olive green cloak - which, you assumed, concealed his usual exercise shirt and dark jeans. His black leather combat boots poked out from under the cloak, and he sighed in his sleep. You found yourself staring. Suddenly, his eyelashes fluttered and he awoke with a groggy yawn. In surprise, you fell back, landing on your back. “I-I was just waking you up and-” “Nah, its all good. I understand,” He said tiredly. “I didn’t sleep at all last night. Forgive me.” “No, no, don’t be sorry. Will you have energy to shoot today?” “Well, I don’t know, I was hauling boxes around for my dad. He moved in a few days ago. So my arms are quite tired.” His eyes lit up at the thought of his father. “Oh, that’s neat. Are you excited to see them?” “Him. My mother…” “Oh.. I’m sorry.” “Its alright,” Legolas whispered. “Say, do you mind skipping lessons for today?” “Well, I did pay..” You murmured under your breath. Mr. Greenleaf appeared to have heard you. “Well, (y/n), I don’t have any cash on me, but..” Legolas blushed. “I have a gift card for the Diner. I can take you out to lunch.” “Oh- oh- of course,” You exclaimed, flushing a bright red. The tall, strong man in front of you was reduced to a blushing, goofy high school boy, it seemed. He smiled gently, and helped you pack your archery things into your car. You noticed that there wasn't a second vehicle present. “Where’s your car?” You inquired. “My dad dropped me off.” “Oh is see. . .do I need to take you home?” “Well. . .um. ..that would be great.” “No problem,” you laughed gently.

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