At Last

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I love you," he said, and your mind whirled in a tornado of thoughts. Having no idea how to respond, you stared at him for a few seconds and turned and raced away, down the stairs, through the door and into your car. You drove home, blasting your music loudly to drown out the noise of your thoughts.

Did you love him?

Was this right?

Would her family approve?

Would things be awkward?

Was he just a friend?

You didn't know what to think. Soon, your mind drifted away..


Later that week, you sat with the phonebook in hand. You called the archery shop, deciding to talk to Legolas. You didn't know what you were going to say, other than apologize for leaving so abruptly.

"Mirkwood Archery, how may I help you?"

"Hello, this is (y/n), may I speak to instructor Legolas Greenleaf?"

"Of course, I'll put him on the line." The phone was silent until you heard Legolas' voice on the other end.

"Hello, this is Mr. Greenleaf, may I help you?"

"Its me."

"Oh.." Legolas paused. "(Y/n)?"

"Yes. Legolas, I want to apologize for leaving so hurridly-"

"Don't. My words were quite astray and disrespectful." He cut you off.

"My point is, are lessons still on for this week?"

"Today is my last day, but you may find another instructor." His voice sounds bitter and sad.

"Oh..I see..may I drop in and return the things you lent me? Like the extra arrows?"

"Ill be here until 5 pm." He hung up.

Frowning, you gather your things and head to the shop. Upon entering, the familiar ding welcomed you inside, and you asked at the front desk for Legolas.

"Hello," you said softly. "Would you mind taking me upstairs to the range for one last shot?"

Legolas avoided your eyes. "I suppose so.." You nodded and led him upstairs.

You drew back your bow and let an arrow loose, hitting just outside the bullseye.

"Careful, now, stand straight up and make sure you can see." Legolas pushed your hair behind your ears, looking into your eyes. "Make sure you have proper form - "

"Like this?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him gently, closing your eyes and resting your head on his shoulders.

Legolas was still. He tilted your chin up and smiled down at you.

"That is always a proper form," he whispered, hugging you tight.

This was sort of a short update, I'll get more in later.
Thanks for all the positive feedback!

Modern! Legolas X Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें