➷No.2; Toddlers for the Win➹

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6:13 A.M., December 7, 2005.

Wilbur and Techno both ran through the house after eating breakfast, whilst Phil had calmly gotten Tommy up the way he always did to avoid the crys awaking his wife (Yes they are married, for the sake of the story.).

Phil had slowly lifted Tommy's small, and fragile head, before going to lift his feminine, short, soft body a nd carrying him in his arms. When Tommy was re-adjusted to where his head was on Phils shoulder and his back faced the opposite side of Phil, Phil had started to rub circles in Tommy's back as the headed toward the kitchen. Due to Phil's job, a Minecraft YouTuber and Streamer, he could stay home to take care of Tommy while his wife, an Interior Designer, could word on designs and decorate homes.

Wilbur and Technoblade rushed out the door, but not before hugging Phil and saying 'bye' to Phil and Tommy.

--- Time Skip --- December 7, 2005: 4:23 P.M.

The two boys had just gotten home as they opened the front door, they saw Tommy like usual waiting for them as he played with his favorite bear. When Tommy had noticed them he just smiled and lifted his arms to be held by one of the two. It was Wilbur's turn, so he swept Tommy up in his arms after taking his shoes off and walked to his and Technoblades shared bedroom to place down his backpack. Techno following not far behind.

The two walked to the kitchen together feeding Tommy and themselves a snack. Of course they then proceeded to play with Tommy a bit before doing homework. While Phil was streaming the boys would do their absolute best to keep Tommy from crying, so that Philza could stream without intruption.

The days passed like every other day. Nothing so unusual, then repeat. But, finally the day had arrived when...

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