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A/N : idea by @kookielovesjiminie

Jimin and Jungkook are in an arranged marriage. The couple didn't know much about each other before marriage other than what the other did presently. But after marriage, they slowly fell in love. 

Jimin is currently in his last year of university in Seoul. Jungkook was a professor in Busan University. Jimin married Jungkook during his summer break. So after marriage, the next 2 months he was with the taller. But after that he left for Seoul, leaving Jungkook behind. The taller man hated it. Hated that he got to see Jimin only during the weekends when either of them travelled back and forth. He missed his tiny angel and so he decides to transfer to Seoul University where Jimin was studying

Jimin was excited about the move but he told the man to keep their relationship on the down low till he graduated, even though Jungkook felt it unnecessary. Jimin knew what his batch mates were like. They would probably accuse Jimin of receiving favoritism from his husband and he didn't want that. He was one of the top students in the university through his hard work 

Jimin rolls his eyes for the umpteenth time that day, he could hear students drooling over his apparently wet husband 

They were having a picnic at the beach from their university. The main educators and 4th year students were there, celebrating their win against another college in one of their annual year intercollege competitions. 

Jungkook was only in his swimming shorts as he and the other teachers swam in the water. The students watched the teachers have their friendly competition 

Jimin internally drooled as well. Jungkook was really sexy - the way his wet hair matted against his forehead, drops of water dripping off his hair and body, those delicious looking abs, those shorts that hugged his hips due to its wetness. Jimin gulped. 

The students kept complimenting the man, trying to gain his attention but Jungkook only had his eyes on his beautiful husband 


Jungkook fumed inside watching the principal's son flirt with his man. But he can't do anything seeing that Taemin was doing nothing other than flirting and the boy didn't know they were married. 

The principal was there as well. Jungkook knew he didn't really need to worry a lot. Besides, he trusted Jimin


One day though, Jungkook gets mad seeing Taemin sit next to Jimin once the class had started. He could see the boy talk to his husband during his lectures. Jungkook tried to control myself from blasting at Taemin. His dad was the one who let him teach Jimin's advanced classes. As a transfer professor he wouldn't have gotten an opportunity like that 

But then Jungkook loses his cool when he turns around after writing the points on the white board, only to see Jimin on Taemin's lap. 


"Park jimin!" Jungkook roars. The whole class went silent. Jungkook was always fun and lovely as a teacher and they got scared. Jimin stands up in fear. Jungkook was also mad at the fact that Jimin told him he would take his name only after he graduated  "... This is not your bedroom! This is a class! Get out!" 

Jimin is shocked  at the man's outburst 

"Sir.. I.." 

"I told you to get the fck out!" Jungkook  was mad 

Jimin  apologized and runs away as he wiped his tears 

Jungkook groans watching the boy leave. He really didn't mean to take his anger on Taemin, out on his poor husband 

Jungkook tried to teach the class but after a few minutes he dismissed his students. He sat on his chair and held his head 


 Jungkook opened his eyes to see Taemin 

"What is it Lee.."  Jungkook grits his teeth 

"Sir…. I respect you but I need to say something... I don't think it's fair to shout at Jimin like that…" 

"Now you will teach me how to talk to my Ji… students?"  

"Sir.. I know it's not my place to say anything but.." Taemin sighs "... Jimin was just trying to change his seat as I was disturbing him and when he got up.. I grabbed his wrist to make him sit… I guess I pulled too hard and he accidentally fell onto my lap...and ... that's when you caught him... I... I just don't like seeing him hurt…" Jungkook could see the sadness in the man's eyes "...he must be hurting really badly now… he has told me so many times that you are  his favorite teacher…"

Jungkook's heart clenches 


Jungkook goes home after class and sees Jimin setting up the table for him. His heart hurt seeing Jimin with red eyes 

"Jungkook... I made you dinner.. I already ate... I'm tired I will sleep.." Jimin excuses himself 

Jungkook stops him by holding his wrist "...I know you  didn’t eat .."

"I'm not hungry" Jimin shrugs Jungkook's hand away, only for  Jungkook to back hug him 

"I'm sorry... I really am... you know I'm a jealous man... I just got... jealous…I have seen him talk to you so many times…" Jungkook sighs. Jimin can hear the regret in the man's voice "....  please forgive me…" Jungkook turns the boy around and wipes the tear that escaped his  eyes " ... please imagine yourself in my place... you keep denying to  accept me in school and to see you on some guys lap, knowing he likes you.. it hurt ... it made me angry… you are mine!"

"But why didn't you trust me Jungkook…?" Jimin's soft voice breaks Jungkook's heart even more "... Don't you know I would never cheat on you... why didn't you shout at him then? Why only me? Just because his dad is the principal... so you think you can hurt me and there will be no consequences?"

Jungkook gulps as his grip on Jimin loosens 

"I really am sorry... it's true.. what you said is true... I wanted to punch him but I took my anger out on you…"  Jungkook's throat closed in a sob "...sorry for being selfish... sorry for not thinking about you... I'm so sorry... please forgive me…"  

Jungkook holds Jimin's hand and kisses his palms,a teardrop fell onto Jimin's palms

"...Never cry for me…" Jimin wipes Jungkook's eyes ".. I'm not worth it" 

Jungkook's eyes widen as he cups Jimin's  cheek "..., you are worth it!... you are worth everything in my life.. I love you...please you have to believe me... I love you so much…" 

"I believe you…" Jimin smiles, wrapping his arms around the man's waist "...I love you too…" 

The end 

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