Drink From The Nile

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"Alex don't wander off!" A young woman shouted out to the mop of blond hair that had darted down a dusty corridor, her silver eyes catching the movement as she studied the hieroglyphics that marked the catacombs walls.

"Oh don't be such a worry wart Natasha, I know what I'm doing," Alex replied snarkely in his chipper British and Natasha sighed leaving the interesting inscription she was reading.

"I know, I just hope your dad isn't trigger happy today," she muttered quietly, following the boy with quick light steps. These ancient places were both unsettling and familiar to her, whether she was unsettled by the familiarity or she was familiar with the unsettlement was a mystery to her.

The little minx darted around another corner following the imprints on the sandy floor and Natasha rushes to catch up, just in time to see Alex to come up behind O'Connell who was indeed very trigger happy today.


She was too late to stop the two from scaring each other shitless and she sighed in relief that several bullets hadn't been engraved into either her or their darling boy and couldn't withhold the quiet chuckle at their scared faces.

"Alex?" O'Connell sounded both relieved and irritated and Alex couldn't help but join her giggling at his scared face.

"What were you thinking, a mummy had come back to life?"

From what Rick, Evie and her drunken brother had told her, Natasha couldn't blame the man for being wary although she had been skeptical when they had told her that a 3000 year old priest had been resurrected, sucked dry several men that made off with Evie to try and resurrect his dead lover.

"I'll tell you a story some time."

As Rick bent down to pick up his son, Natasha made her way over to the two and patted Alex on the back.

"I apologise for letting him run off like that but your expression was quite amusing."

"What are you two doing down here? I thought I told you to wait for us up in the temple?"

"We were until your son ran off so I followed him to make sure he was safe."

"But, Dad I saw-"

"No 'buts.' It's dangerous down here, Alex."

"But I saw your tattoo!"

"You saw what?"

"On a wall by the entrance! There's a cartouche just like it!" Alex processed to take off the bindings on Ricks wrist, beginning to list all of the characteristics.



"Okay, well I'll be up there to look at that in a minute," Rick started dismissively. "I want you to wait for us up there, and I want you Natasha to look after him." Rick gave her a stern look before his eyes returned to his moaning son.

"But- but-"

"No, pick up your stuff and I'll see you up in the temple, go."

"O'Connell, honestly how many times must I say I'm an archeologist not a nanny for your son?"

She was not here to watch the little tike, despite her maternal nature and how wonderful she thought he was, he was not her child to watch over, and being saddled with their responsibility while they gallivanted for facts and treasures peeved her off.

"Go on."

"And what shall I do?"

"I don't know surprise me."

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