A Memorable Bus Ride

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To him, she was still like he remembered her, ethereal with silver eyes that were reminiscent of the moon but something had changed. There was a fiery spirit hidden within them that had not been there before. Her pistol cocked in his direction but she had yet to shoot her rounds - perhaps she remembered too? He could only pray to the gods that he was right.


She paused momentarily, her eyes seemed clouded and unseeing and her hands holding her weapon seemed to go slack. He knew she could see something, a vision, but of what, he didn't know. It was only a brief moment before her eyes refocused and her hand moved to point that piece of offending metal in his direction. However before she could take the shot a flash from his side caught her eye and a barrage of bullets rained in her direction. He watched as she was too slow to miss them and they impacted her shoulder and clipped her chest sending her falling back onto the floor with a loud, shocked cry.

Time sped up for him as his head turned to see his Anck Su Namun with a cocky smirk on her face, her sub-machine gun pointed in the direction of the woman. She had been the one to shoot her - even if it had been several flesh wounds, had it been any other of the men that she employed he would have killed them then and there.

Bullets hit his side from two faces he'd rather have not seen and he growled moving back to a canopic jar and began to chant. He would kill them all except her for their meddling, and revenge would be sweet.



White hot pain flowed from her arm as she struggled to shuffle out of the line of fire. Between showering rains of bullets and reloading, Ardeth looked back to check on O'Connell's friend, blood flowing from her arm but he missed the dark splatter of blood around her torso - hidden by the darkness of her shirt - where another bullet had impacted. Her eyes were becoming slightly glassy as she growled and ground her teeth at the ceiling.

"I'm fine," she hissed out, looking down at her wound to apply pressure. It hurt so bad but she needed to remove the bullets quickly. Her fingers dug into the small whole in her shoulder and fished out the bullet with shaky digits. It took her a moment but the offending object quickly came out, covered in dark red blood. She was thankful that it hadn't pierced her flesh too deep but that didn't account for the other that clipped her lower torso. She hissed as she threw the blasted metal away. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

Tears sprung down her eyes and she gulped back the bile that bubbled in her throat.

"Get to the car! I'll get the O'Connels!" Ardeth barked and Natasha nodded weakly as his head turned back to rain more bullets on the others.

"Stay safe."

She pushed herself off the floor once she was a safe distance away from the side, ignoring the pain stabbing into her torso and began to make her way back down the corridor. Her vision was getting hazy the further she walked and quickly found herself leaning against a wall as the adrenaline began to fade and the pain and nausea began to set in.

She could hear the shrieks and cries of the mummies down the hall but they began to blur and fade out with the shouts from the main hall.

With the way things were going she knew no one would be able to save them or at least put them to rest. She could barely walk any closer to them with all the pain flooding her system.

"I'm sorry..."

She closed her eyes for a moment, a golden haze overtaking her mind as a vision eclipsed her.

Obsidian eyes of a smiling man stared up at her and she stared back from the platform she was positioned upon. A mask was covering her face and her pale skin shon silver with ceremonial paint. Chanting echoed around her she whispered verses of the sacred texts from the papyrus scrolls in front her. He would not distract her during this, even if his eyes were more than enough.

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