Chapter 1

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So here is the first chapter to this story I hope you enjoy it!!

INT: Amy and Ricky's Apartment

Amy walks into the dark apartment with John wiggling in her arms to be free. She glances around the apartment expecting to see Ricky, but she doesn't.

Amy: Ricky!

Amy walked around the apartment looking for anything indicating he was there, bit didn't see any sign of Ricky.

Amy: Great

She says sarcastically. She looks down at her watch to see the time and then walks into the bathroom.

INT: Adrian's Condo

Grace looks over at Adrian blowing her nose with a tissue.

Adrian: Its going to be okay Grace

Adrian looks over at Grace giving her a small smile. Grace wipes away her tears and looks at Adrian with some anger.

Grace: How is everything going to be okay?

Grace throw her phone across the room and let's it hit the wall making a small mark. She wraps her arms around her knees and starts crying really hard.

Adrian: Grace you still haven't told me what is bothering you yet

Adrian rasies an eyebrow at her friend. Grace shakes her head back and forth.

Grace: Can I just say that you have been there and done that

Grace breaths really fast trying to calm herself down. Grace trys coming up with a lie.

Adrian: Come on Grace in your best friend

Grace: Umm....well

Grace turns around and grabs her wallet which has the picture she needs. She pulls out the picture and hands Adrian the photo of Jack. Adrian looks at Grace with so much confusion.

Adrian: What is this suppose to mean Grace I can't read your mind.

Grace plays with her fingers for a couple of seconds.

Adrian: Well?

Adrian crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at her again. Grace tmakes a deep breath and then looks into Adrian's dark eyes.

Grace: I kinda cheated

She says in a quiet voice. She rubs the back of her neck.

Adrian: What?

She leans a little closer to Grace to hear her words that she said.

Grace: I cheated.

Adrian looks at Grace with big eyes then quickly smiles after that.

Adrian: Grace did it again she cheated on another boyfriend

Grace looks back at her with a slightly angry face.

Grace: Shut up Adrian

Grace crosses her arms and puts them in her lap.

Adrian: Okay, okay fine, but who did you sleep with and don't tell me its anybody bad or I might think that it is a fail. I don't think its worse then Henry.

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