chapter 3 - words

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Dear diary,
i have anxiety

He looked back down at his guitar with his red cheeks. I don't know why, but I felt so embarrassed inside. I closed my eyes and started jamming out to the music as the concert slowly started coming to an end.

People flooded out of the theatre and poured onto the parking lot. The night was warm and stars glimmered in the night sky. Jesse and some of the guys were signing and taking pictures with fans. "Jesse over here!!!"
"Can I take a selfie with you?! Oh my gosh I love you so much." it was starting to get really chaotic here, so I left the crowd and started walking to the back of the building. I really hate crowds. It just drives my crazy. I grabbed my phone and started texting my friend...

"Of my gosh I'm so sorry." I looked up and it was zach. I didn't realize I had bumped into him. The shocking feeling raced through my body as we looked up at each other. He was literally about 2 inches away from me. "That's okay." he said. "I didn't mean to-"
"I understand it's totally fine." he replied with a smile.
I couldn't comprehend everything right now, Zach fucking Abels was standing in front of me. Holy shit.
I kept looking down at my shoes the whole time, I get really shy in front of people.

"Are you sure you're okay, because you kinda have a cut on your arm." zach said.
I quickly looked down at my bloody cut and the red blood was uncontrollably gushing out. "Ummmm-" I started panicking because I didn't even realize my cut.
"Here, I think I have band aids inside our bus." he quickly replied.
"No no I think it'll be fine um I can go and get some at a drug store on my way home." I didn't want to bother him or anything so I avoided his kind offer. "No no you're bleeding c'mon-" without hesitation he grabbed my right hand and lightly tugged myself as he forcefully led me to the front steps of the bus. He giggled a bit as he led me through the crowd of fans. We both looked at each other oddly, then laughed a bit more.

People were looking at me like I was crazy while zach was holding onto my hand. Gosh it was so soft. Okay that was so weird.
"Wait here while I get you one."
"Okay thanks you didn't have-" my words broke off as he smiled at me. He shortly left and came back with a band aid. By now, the blood kind of dried off but some of it was still oozing out. "Here." he gave me the band aid. "Thank you so much I'm so so sorry for bothering you." we were silent for a moment then the silence was broken.
"Um so what's your name, by the way I'm zach, I think I saw you earlier at the concert tonight." He said in a shy voice.
"I'm Jay which is short for Jaden but you can call me Jay." I replied with a smile.
"Oh, like Jay as in blue jay? Nice." We started laughing in unison.

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