Rivals or Lovers?

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(Magical Halfa: Male Reader x Boshca)

Requested by: SummerTheTangerine

Hexside is no normal school mainly due to it being in a different world. And it teaches young witches to hone their magical abilities, but once every year there is a season called Grudgby. The game itself is easy it is played between two teams of at least three players. The object is to score points by getting the ball through the opposing team's goal. Since magic is part of the gameplay all manner of magical obstacles may be used to hinder the opposing team. The team that scores the most points within the time limit wins. However, should one of the teams catch the Rusty Smidge, they score an immediate victory and end the game.

Inside Hexside were three students, Amity Blight, Willow Park, and Y/n L/n these three are childhood friends but could be more different. Amity is a bright and competitive person, that takes things to heart even though she doesn't like to show. That and she's a major 'Book Worm' nickname given to her by Y/n. Willow is described as a bubbly and friendly witch but get on her bad side you will be pulling thorns off your body from everywhere. Her given nickname by Y/n is "Green Thumb" real funny.

Next was Y/n, is a young man of average height, with a slim, muscular build, and an s/c skin tone. He has short, spiky, h/c hair with choppy bangs that hang over his eyebrows. His eyes are sharp and e/c in color. He is what most people would call a jock, great at sports, mostly Grudgby. Outside the sport, he is loud and protective but inside he is brutal and clever. In school, he wears the Oracle track Hexisde uniform

Amity: "It's that season again, you going to be captain again?"

Y/n: "Is that even a question? HA, no one as skill better than me."

Willow: "What about Boscha?"

Ah yes, Boscha a rude and impudent witch, unafraid to insult or humiliate those she looks down upon with hardly any regret. She and he have a rivalry that puts Dog vs Cats to shame, the worse thing is they both are trying to be captain of Grudgby. Last year it was Y/n since he won the one on one match with Boshca.

Y/n: "What about her?"

Amity: "You can't deny she has great skill in the game and scores the most points."

Y/n: "And who is the one who gets her those shots to make the points. Me! Without my brutal ways of keeping people off her, she wouldn't get a single point. Plus half the time I find the Rusty Smidge before the game begins."

Willow: "The only reason you find the Rusty Smidge is due to you seeing the future."

Y/n: "Hey it's a magic ability, so not against the rules."

That's right Y/n can see into the future, his whole family has abilities similar due to all of them being in the Oracle track. His Mother can see the past, while his father can past lives but he got lucky for being able to see the future. Without his crystal ball, the best he got was two minutes, but to him, that's fine since he uses it Grudgby matches

Amity: "But it does make it unfair and takes away the fun of the game."

Y/n: "That's why I only use it when we are close on points."

As they were walking they saw Boscha picking on someone else, and unlucky for her it was his cousin Augustus and his human friend Luz. Y/n narrowed his eyes before he started to growl he started to walk faster towards them.

Y/n: "Boscha!"

Hearing her name be called she looks over to see Y/n, for a second she blushes but it quickly goes away as he got close to her.

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