Valentines Day

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On Valentine's Day you get dressed in the nicest thing you own then you realize wow i look like shit so you call noya over to consult on your outfit

Noya:IM HERE what do you need sweetie make it quick me and asahi have a date

You:ok I need something to wear

Noya:asahi can wait soooooo you got a valentine

You:yep me and tsukki


You:yep I know shocker but when you came in on us in the sleepover

Noya:in the kitchen?

You:yep um we were about to kiss....I REALLY LIKE HIM PLEASE

Noya:ok um so on a scale of hooker to nun what do you want

You:like hot prom student outfit that screams im getting laid

You wear one of these

You wear one of these

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You:thanks for the help noya

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You:thanks for the help noya

Noya:no problem I have to go on my date now ill come over tomorrow you know just in case hehehehe {side note im laughing in real life}cya

You:ok bye

You get a call from Tsukishima saying that hes outside you come out the house

Tsukishima is wearing a tux that kinda shows his abs so you get a bit flustered he looked astonishing

Tsukishima is wearing a tux that kinda shows his abs so you get a bit flustered he looked astonishing

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Tsukishima:um you look so attractive pipsqueak

You:you look really handsome to...I MEAN Y-YOU LOOK GOOD

Tsukishima:heh well shall we go to our date

You:of course lead the way where to

Tsukishima:well I made some reservations to a fancy restaurant

You:oh thats nice um listen I really really like you and I dont want to ruin this with my weird stuff

Tsukishima:like your my little pony phase


Tsukishima:well I dont want to ruin this either so lets take this slow


Tsukishima:can I just say you look really cute when your flustered shorty

Tsukishima:quick question whats my name on your phone big daddy with sparkles and hearts on the sides...whats mine on yours


You:thats cute cuter than mine lol

Tsukishima:did you just physically say lol

You:yes and I do not regret it

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