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^this picture is not what Heather is supposed to look like I just love Kate walsh

You run back to school to see if tsukki is still there occasionally you looked back to see if suga was still there

You run to school and then you see Heather and tsukki hug you run up to tsukki after Heather walks away happily

You:tsukki what the hell was that

Tsukki:listen y/n im sorry as much as it hurts to say I'm sorry I called you a liar she told me she cheated on me but I forgave her what can I say I think I love her

Tsukki says while smiling looking at Heather walking

You:tsu- but- but she cheated on you

Tsukki:we all make mistakes

You:thats what your mom told your dad when you were born

Tsukki:i- what?

You:jesus what is wrong with you the Tsukishima i know would have never said wE aLl MaKe MiStAkEs

Tsukki:well I guess you don't know me anymore go back with your boyfriend

You:tsukki me and suga broke up

Tsukki is looking at you in shock blushing

Tsukki:i- i- I have to go home cya


He's gone...

Time skip
Next day

You tried avoiding everyone you saw you just looked down and walked one foot infront of the other you want to go to practice but you're to nervous to go you wanted to skip then see tsukki

Tsukki:oh hey y/n about yesterday... I think we can try being friends again


You heart is racing

Tsukki:like how we were before


Whats the catch does he actually want to be my friend

Tsukki:maybe we can practice together if Kyoko let's us

You:hehe ok?

At practice

Tsukki:Hey y/n I have a question


Tsukki:Why did you and suga break up he was great seems like you still like him


Tsukki:You know what its non of my business

After practice
Tsukki played with you on the court

Tsukki was outside just standing you saw him and came up to him

You:oh hey


You:thanks uh for today f- for  letting me uh

Tsukki:you did a good job in there

You:thanks *you said nervously*

Tsukki:you okay?

You:I love you.oh go- oh my God,that just came f-flying out of my face i- it was s-some kind o-.i love you i just- i did it again i- i-i- i love you I do. I just i love you an I have been trying not to say it i have been trying so hard to just mash it down and ignore it a-and not say it.Suga is a great guy he is he's gorgeous a-and hes older than you AND and he's sugawara he's so nice a-and he liked me YOU KNOW he he really liked me but it was never gonna work out b-because I I love you I am so in love with you and you're you're in me its y-y- you're its its like you're a disease its like i am infected by Tsukishima kei and I just can't think about anything or anybody and I cant sleep i cant breathe i cant eat and I love you a- all the time Every minute of everyday and i- i  I love you God that feels so good j-j-just to say that j- j- i feel so much better im just I love you tsukki?

Tsukishima is looking at you dumbfounded

You hear walking but don't turn to see who it is

Heather:hey y/n, I thought you said the gym you ready

Tsukki looks at Heather than you and walks away with heather

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