That First Night

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"Alright, here we are Bar," Caitlin said, unlocking her apartment door. Her arms were loaded with bags from her run to the store.

She was really trying to convince herself that this was just like the babysitting jobs she had when she was in high school, but unfortunately she couldn't quite manage it.

Three year old Barry darted into the apartment. Caitlin set the bags on the counter and started unloading. It was a startling domestic feeling, unloading groceries with a toddler running amok the house.

"Caylin what's 'inner?" Barry asked, coming to a halt.

Caitlin smiled, "Hoe does Mac and Cheese sound?"

Barry grinned and nodded.

Caitlin whipped up some Kraft Mac and Cheese, adding some extra cheese the way her dad did for her when she was little.

"Dinner!" She called.

Barry sat at the table. The table was too tall for him, so he looked very goofy (translate: cute) with his eyes only just over the rim of the table while he sat. Caitlin giggled and set him on her lap.

"How's that?" she asked.

Barry gave her a thumbs up, having already started digging into his dinner.

Danny the Dino was on the table next to him, and Barry made bumbling mumbling sounds whilst pretending to feed the stuffed animal. Caitlin just felt her heart melt.

That was until she noticed the disaster that she had to now clean up.

She stared down at the cheese covered table with a sigh. Of course Barry was a messy eater. She threw a glance at the toddler and sighed again. He looked like the table, covered in creamy cheese.

"Looks like it's bath time for you mister."

Clearly, Barry knew what that meant and bolted out of the kitchen.

"Barry!" Caitlin hollered. "You'd better stay off the couch!" She sighed heavily and started wiping up the table.

***** LINE BREAK *****

"Caylin will you read me a sory?" Barry asked after getting into his pajamas.

"Of course, what story?"

"The lil engine that could." He decided.

Caitlin smiled softly, it certainly seemed like the type of story Barry would have grown up reading. She quickly pulled it up on her kindle, resolving to buy a few kids books soon.

Swiping to the first page, Barry stopped her. He pointed at the elephant, "Tha's my fabrit amimal."

"Really?" Caitlin asked.

"Mhm." Barry said, "what's yours?"

"A fox."

Barry's brows furrowed, "They're t-ri-cky," he said, testing out the unfamiliar word.

Caitlin laughed softly, "Let's start reading so you can go to sleep."

Barry was adorable reading the book. He would scold the other trains, except the old one, for not taking the toys over the hill. And then he would chant "I think I can" with the little blue train.

Barry smiled, "mommy says anyone can do anyfing if they try. She told me I could do whatever I wanted if I put my mind to it."

"Your mammy is a smart lady," Caitlin commented.

Barry nodded.

Caitlin scooped Barry into her arms and carried him to the spare bed. She lined the sides with pillows so that he hopefully wouldn't fall off in the middle of the night.

Caitlin looked down at the angelic little toddler and smiled.

Maybe these two months wouldn't be so bad.


A/N - yay. First chapter up. I'm pretty excited for this one shot book. Please, if you have requests for little Barry life let me know.

I was gonna wait and post this once I had a second chapter written, but it's only a third done, so I thought I'd bless you guys with this post and see what your wacky brains come up with for requests instead.

Love y'all! :)

Those Two MonthsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora