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"I wouldn't've asked if there was anyone else." Caitlin said, shifting the child on her hip.

"I am not a baby sitter," the captain of the police department said, folding his arms.

"Captain please."

Singh stared long and hard at the doctor and his de-aged csi. Little Barry was looking at him with his big green eyes, and Singh finally folded.

"Fine," he huffed, "but this is a one time thing."

Caitlin's face lit up with a grin, "Of course! Thank you so much."

Caitlin set Barry down and handed David a few bags. "He has snacks in here and toys in here. He also likes to read aloud to people. I should be back in about six hours."

She crouched in front of Barry, who was holding his dinosaur. "You be good for Me. Singh okay?"

Barry nodded and hugged Caitlin.

"Thank you again," Caitlin said, "you have no idea how much you're saving us right now."

Singh nodded and Caitlin left with one last wave to Barry.

Singh looked at the three year old and sighed. Barry looked up at him. The two states at each other for a moment.

"Come on inside," David said, gesturing into his house.

Barry hugged Danny the Dino close to his chest and walked inside.

A picture on the wall caught Barry's attention.

"Who's zat?"

"Hm?" Singh asked, looking at the picture Barry was pointing to, "Oh, that's my sister, Clara."

"Who's zat?" Barry asked pointing to another picture.

"Those are my parents."

"Who's zat?"

Singh sighed.

***** LINE BREAK *****

The pair got warmed up to each other fairly quickly after Barry's evaluation of David's family tree.

"Will you play wif me?" Barry asked, looking up at the captain.

Singh nodded. "Sure buddy. What are we playing?"

"Race cars." He said, holding out a red car and a green car. "You're green."

They raced for a grand total of one and a half minutes before Barry decided he wanted to move onto another game. And then another. And another.

The kid didn't stop moving.

After two hours of game twister, Barry picked up a book. He held it up to David.


Singh, relieved that the boy was stopping, agreed readily.

It was a book he hadn't read before and Singh raised an eyebrow at the title. Barry crawled into his lap with a grin on his face.

"The Book With No Pictures." He read. (My brother made me read this book so often, I have it memorized. It's a great book.)

Barry smiled wider and got ready.

Singh opened to the first page.

"This is a book with no pictures." Page turn. "It might seem like no fun to have someone read you a book with no pictures." Page turn. "Except, here is how books work. Everything the book says, the person reading the book has to say."

Page turn. "No matter what." Turn. "That's the deal. That's the rule. So that means... even if the words say..."

"BLORK. Wait – what? That doesn't even mean anything. BLUURF. Wait a second – what?! This isn't the kind of book I wanted to read! And I have to read every word the book says? Uh-oh..."

A smile graced David's face. Uh oh indeed. Barry was already giggling.

Singh laughed when he saw the next page.

"I am a monkey who taught myself to read. Hey! I'm not a monkey! And now I am reading you this book with my monkey mouth in my monkey voice. That's not true... I am not a monkey!"

Barry was giggling very hard at this point and David was laughing too.

He did a silly voice, "Yes, I am a monkey." He changed to a robot voice, "Also, I am a RoBot MonKeY. WHAT?!"

Barry was gone. He was giggling so hard, and it just lit up the room.

Singh finished the book, being very animated throughout the whole thing much to Barry's delight.

After that, David went to the kitchen to make him and Barry some food, leaving the three year old to his own devices.

Which he quickly found out was a mistake.

When Singh came back into the living room, he found several of his things taken apart and scattered around. And Barry was currently pulling apart a lamp that was still plugged in.

"Woah woah woah!" David hollered. "Don't do that!"

Barry jumped back and bumped his elbow in the coffee table. His eyes filled with tears and David rushed over.

Barry tried very hard to hold back his tears but they fell anyway.

"I'm sowy," Barry cried, rubbing his elbow.

"Is your elbow okay?" David asked.

Barry nodded.

"Okay," Singh said, trying to figure out how to handle the situation, "it's alright Barry. Calm down."

Barry's sobs turned into sniffles.

"I like that you're curious buddy, but you can't just take apart stuff like that. It's dangerous and you could get really hurt. Do you understand?"

Barry nodded.

"Okay. Would you like some food?"

Barry nodded again.


***** LINE BREAK *****

"How was your time with Mr. Singh?" Caitlin asked, looking at the little boy next to Singh.

"It was fun!" Barry said excitedly.

"I'm glad," she said.

"Can he watch me again?" Barry asked hopefully.

Caitlin let out a short laugh and looked up at the slightly shocked police captain. "That's up to Mr. Singh."

Barry looked up at him with wide, hopeful eyes.

Singh smiled softly, "I'd be happy to."


A/N- there we go! Chapter dos.


That's all I got.

Love y'all! :)

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