dark as night

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All that is left is darkness,waiting for eternal night so I can say the truth the truth to my father.

I wake up again seeing the dim light on my roof in my room just to find the cuts on my arms opened up. I sit up in my bed making sure not to spill my blood everywhere
No one knows about the cuts. No one knows about the bruises all over my body no one knows about the scars on my body. No one.

My younger sister walks into the room seeing the new cuts and the blood as I tightin bandages around my forarms.
She throws my hoddie to me.

"Hurry moms coming up put this on before she sees" my sister smiles at me

"Thanks sis" I replie with a happy sounding tone even know I didn't feel anything.
She rushes to her room across the room from mine,as my mom slowly walks up stairs.

"Are you ready for school son?"i

Even know she doesn't care this is the first time the past two weeks I've spoke to her.
"Almost"I reply finishing getting dressed and putting a black wife beater under my red hoddie as my mom walks out the door slamming it shut behind her. I could hear her crying in the hallway.

I put my black headphones over my ears and my hood over my head as I start to walk to school.Why do I come to school I don't learn anything new.

A girl with long read hair runs up to me grabbing my wrists and spining me to face her, her fingers digging into my cuts.
I reply with a smile"goodmornig baby"

he pulls off my headphones and presses her lips against mine.

"Meat me after class for a special surprise" she says probably teasing.

"If you want but, hurry your class is across the school" I yawind
As I said those words.
First block Mabey I should skip again Im already ahead of the class.
My visions getting worse every day so its not like I can really see what is going on everyone hates me in that class anyways. So im not loosing any thing.

"Well well well who do we have hear"a voice laughs.
"You do realize im in a fowl mood so don't start this today"my tone ice cold.

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