flash back

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"Tic toc tic toc, the clock strikes 12" a fimiler voice calls out in joy.

Drip drop my blood slowly drips from my cheek falling onto my shoulder down my arm tell it makes its way to the concrete floor.my arms tied above my hand. tied to a meat hook not to high up my chest is i level with my mother's eyes her crimson eyes gaseing on my blood stained shirt. A loud crackle and pop as she takes a hicery to my exposed arms leaving marks but it wasn't enough for her blood lust.
She pulls out a stick she starts to leave gashes in my chest as she repidetly hits my with it.
"Now whats 4 plus 4" she yells out ovesly having fun.

I try to respond struggling to get the words out. "4 plus 4 is 8"

My mother yells out again "8 plus 8"

"16" my vision blurs waiting till its over maybe this time she'll kill me.

"16 plus..." The door bell rings cutting off her sentence "ill be back for you later."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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