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“Selene…” Annabelle sighed and helped her puff up the pillows. “You don’t have to do this for me.” Selene gave her a weak smile and thanked. She shook her head, “No, not that.”

“Please, I don’t want Sean to know.” Selene said before Anna can say anything else.

She closed her mouth and stayed silent as she peeled an apple for her.

Cedrik walked in, carrying a teddy bear and a basket of fruits and flowers. He smiled brightly when he saw her pale face. “Hi, Cedrik!” Selene smiled back, “Thank you!” Annabelle took the basket and set it on the counter, “Hey, you’re early.” Cedrik winked at Anna while hiding a tear, “Yeah, that’s me. Early bird as usual!” Selene laughed a little at his self-conceitedness.

“Barbie girl, you look pretty!” He flattered, trying really hard not to look at her baby blue hat. “No I don’t, liar. But, thanks.” Selene knows how she looks like, she’s not stupid. Annabelle studied his face and found some bruises hiding under his chin. Anna stands up and motions for him to follow her.

“Selene baby, got some business to do with the serious girl, excuse me.” He flashes her one of his best crook smile and exits the room. Annabelle crossed her arms and questioned, “’Serious girl’?!” Cedrik shrugged, used the cold tone on her, “If it’s about Sean, I’m not giving you any information.” Anna opened her mouth to say something but hesitated.

“Annabelle McBride, stop crushing on him already.” Cedrik sighed as he watches her blushing like a tomato. “I’m not!” She protested. “Well, whatever you say. But, don’t you think crushing on your best friend’s ex-boyfriend is shameful?” Cedrik took a step forward as she backs off.

“I don’t have a crush on anyone.”

“Oh yes, you do.”

“What about you?! Where did you get those bruises?!”

Cedrik looks puzzled for a second and answered in a low voice, “That’s really none of your business Nerd.” Annabelle smiled warmly as if she just won a war, “Well, whatever you say. But, you don’t think that I don’t have the ability to find out, right?”

“Do it your way.” Cedrik ran out of the emergency exit of the hospital.

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