Chapter 2

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"Yeah long story short, he was in a box on my front door and I sort of adopted him? I even named him. Shiro!"

"..Taiko Sato you f*cking idiot! We don't know where this kid came from and you're just gonna adopt him?!"

"Well no sh*t, I ain't heartless and maybe he join the Ice Dragons when he gets older. There aren't any suspicious devices before you ask and I doubt an enemy sent him over."

"! Well! Maybe it's inside him to trick you into keeping the baby!"

"I- no that's not true you're being paranoid."

" *Sigh* So "Shiro" is your son now and you will raise him to adulthood?"

"Yeah. Dad."

HOLD UP! Since when was Nakamura your dad?! 

"Since you left me to fend for myself with Shiro author-San. This is payback.😗"

"Who were you talking to Taiko?"

"No one. Annnyways, You're totally gonna love him. Shiro is your grandson and future future heir to the Ice Dragons."

"Why me? *Rubs forehead* Send me pictures of him. I might as well know what he looks like since I can't visit you in Miyagi."

"Heh. Isn't funny how you adopted me and now I'm adopting my son? Maybe this can be a family tradition."

"No. I'm sure he will find a mate in the future."

"You know what that means right if he wants kids?"

"Yeah. I give him The Talk. No biggie."

"I'd like to see you try.

"Well I gotta go it's his feeding time. Bye dad."

"Bye Taiko."

Ending the call Sato placed him in a high chair and made some food for both of them. Afterwards he cleaned up and placed him in a baby chair with those toys that hung overhead. He cleaned around the house and jogged outside the house but no too faraway. He needed to be there in case there was an emergency or Shiro injured himself.

He showered and changed before giving him a bath after dinner. He enjoyed laughing and playing with the rubber duckies and other toys. Sitting on the floor, Sato put him in his lap and dried him off. And on went a clean and fresh onesie for him. He played with him on the couch in the living room area. 

Shiro watched him shake colorful toys with bells on them before attempting to take it himself. Sato laughed when his short little arms didn't reach and then switched to a book. He loved the fairytales and stories contained inside each one. Eventually he got tired and slept on his shoulder as Sato patted his back and sang to him a song he listened to as a child.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine."

After making sure he was completely sleeping, he gently settled him down into his crib next to his bed. He placed a light blanket over him and watched him for a while. He felt pride and some happiness that this adorable angel was his kid now. Hoping he wouldn't wake Sato changed and climbed into bed across from the crib.

Tomorrow was gonna be a long day for him and maybe Shiro too. 

There wasn't the harsh sun in his room. Instead, when he looked out, it was cloudy and dark rumbling in the distance. Looks like it'll be a pretty heavy thunderstorm. Shiro was awake and trying to get his attention by whining and making unintelligible noises.

"There, there, I got you Shiro."

He picked him up and set him down in a baby pen that he'd been convinced to buy from a store associate. And here Sato thought it'd be a waste of money. The living room was a big 'ol mess from baby blankets on the couch to dirty bottles on the table. A laundry basket was in the hallway filled with clothes that needed washing. Sighing, Sato rolled up his sleeves and made sure to check up on Shiro every five minutes.

He tackled the baby blankets and towels putting them into the washer and moved the laundry basket on top so he could toss them in. He thoroughly vacuumed the couch and chairs. Picking up the dirty bottles he soaked them in hot water then moved the small table in the living room to make space for the playpen.

Shiro was playing with some toys and watching his dad rush around to clean and organize it all. It was comical really, until he placed him in the high chair to feed him but there wasn't anymore baby food in the fridge. Shiro was hungry and got distressed at not being fed something. Luckily in the cupboards he found an unopened bottle of those puff snacks for babies and shook some onto his table.

"Sorry 'bout this. Daddy's be right back. I'm going to buy you some food so be a good boy for me okay?"

*Munch* *Munch* *Crunch* *Chomp*

He looked at him with his cheeks bulging from the puffs inside. Unable to speak, he smiled and watched him leave the house. His short attention span returned to those tasty, tasty puffs. Listening to the thunder crackle outside and watching streaks of lightening as the weather worsened.

Sato cursed at the storm and sped up to the nearest store. He was the only one there since everyone else stayed home to wait it out. He ran with that shopping cart, grabbing things left and right. He figured might as well do a full on grocery trip. His phone was placed in the cup holder and it was a live feed of Shiro eating and playing in chair. Unaware of the baby monitors placed all over.

He was pleased that he was still safe and that the store was having various sales and deals today. Plus he had coupons so that sweetened the deal. He checked out and carefully but quickly drove home to see his newfound precious son. 

He set the grocery bags down on the porch and fumbled in his pockets for the key. 

"Shiro! You there? It's me, daddy!"

"Hiiiii daddy!"

He let out a humongous sigh and rubbed his face for thinking the worst. Most people avoided him because of his face and their home is nestled inside the woods. He brought in the bags and began putting them away into the fridge and pantry. Next was to clean Shiro up and prepare lunch for the both of them.

Due to the weather, they made a blanket fort and stayed inside listening and watching the storm outside. Eventually both fell asleep inside on big pillows and soft blankets. Sato was on his back breathing lightly and Shiro on top with drool coming out his mouth. 

"You make me happy, when skies are gray..."

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