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The damp stench of wood violated his senses, the piercing smell of a musty, earthy mold creeping into his nasal bone the longer that he picked at the formation of growth. This particular building within the enlistment center wasn't any better than cramped wooden shack.

Most would think that this couldn't possibly be right, given all the stories of the esteemed military the king had built.

That all couldn't just amount to a facility with flaking wood and a sagging ceiling. Though the state of decay and poor structure didn't surprise Rurik.

Bodies. The army was desperate for bodies. With the way the war was going, far more monsters were needed and the king was doing all he could to cultivate interest.

Clearly it was working, because he was here after all. A young man with dreams of grandeur and honor. To pave a future that was sure to bring prosperity for not only himself, but for all of his kind.

"Rurik Liderc."

He stopped messing with the rotting wood and looked up at the bear monster who called for him from the doorway. This beast was large, his appearance shadow-like. This phenomenon was a culmination of dark brown fur and an artificial light of the cave system they called home, shining in on his back.

Finally, he had a reason to get out of here.

Rurik felt like he had been waiting for ages, though it had probably only been a few minutes. Reaching down, he grabbed the faded green duffle that was filled with some necessities. Rumors had been circulating that right after physical exams, they were sending recruits right into basic training. He did not doubt that sentiment, for they already cut the multiple-choice exam meant to place new conscripts.

The grizzly turned and crunched through the snow, heading along a loosely visible gravel path to a far better ligneous erection.

Not far behind, the skeleton hoisted the worn strap of his carrier over a shoulder and looked out at the collection of nearby tents. In the distance, he heard shouting of a battalion in the midst of practice.

"Attention! Right Face! Forward March!"

Each command boomed out of the sergeant, followed by a chorus of feet moving in unison.

He deduced that this was probably one of the military units that would soon be leaving to the field, for there was a lack of any redressing. At least of what he made out.

Nearly tripping over one of the steps that led up to the porch, Rurik reminded himself to stay on guard. He wanted to make a good first impression on what might end up being the individuals he would be stuck with for a while.

Turning his attention forward, he followed the older monster inside. His immediate gaze was the matted, tangled coat which his superior adorned. There were small patches that were seemingly gone altogether, leaving him curious as to what happened.

Now was not the time for questions like an incessant child though, but to sweep the recesses of where he had been brought. For the most part, the floor was left empty apart from dirty, rubber mats laid out. They reminded him a lot of the ones he had used in P.E. only days prior.

Along the edges of the room were big exercise machines with complicated cores. All sorts to gears and pulley systems riddled the innards, making them appear far more deceptively complicated than in actuality.

Last were the other monsters who were stood around awkwardly, looking out of place. A few engaged in quiet conversation while others used this time to psyche themselves up.

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