chapter 1

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mom screams

you wake up. 'im awake bestie"
you replied.  "don't call me bestie !!" your mom replied. "no i want to," you said talking back.
"okay and" your mother said. "okay i'm leaving for school" you said.
"K." your mother said in an annoying tone. you scoffed at her reply and went to school without a shower. 

while you were walking to school you see a cute boy asf around your age. he looked at you in a bad way. you decided to go walk to him and say hi. "hey shawty what ya up to?" you said hitting his arm with your elbow. "okay." he said and walked away. 'what the?? playing hard to get huh." you thought. 

you then were at school. that was when you realized he was a new student. and also when you realized you were late to class because you were checking him out. 'oh shit im late wtf' you thought. you ran to class and accidentally broke the door because it was a sliding door not the push and pull one (whatever you call it). everyone looked at you. 'WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? FIRST YOU'RE LATE AND YOU BROKE THE DOOR." the teacher shouted. "sorry bestie, ill go make a door then." you replied. "whatever, go help the new student, rod," the teacher replied. "with?" you asked. "he's new, you dumbass, he needs help around the school." the teaher repleid. you ran out the door thing and went to a car."

"ayooo its a pretty car!!" you said looking at a bumper car stolen from an amusement park. you then went inside and realized it didnt work. "bestie why tf is it here on the streets im leaving." you got out of the car and then you saw the new student running away.. you then.......

find out next chapter!!1 

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