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Hello all! Here are the roles. You can pick two maximum.

Celestial Founders (2/2)

They are the  founders of the community. 

✨Mars Writers (0/2)

They write our books properly. They are the backbone of the community. 

Star Admins(0/3)

They are the admins and they help the founders in overlooking the community. This position has to be earned.

Venus Designers (6/6)

They are the graphic designers in the community. They will be required to make covers, banners etc for the community books. They will also be working in the community graphic shop.

✨Neptune Reviewers (1/4)✨

They will be working in the review shop. Reviewing books and short stories will be their job. They have to be polite too.

✨Earth Editors (3/4)

They are the editors and will edit stories and books people ask for. They will have an editorial shop. They should have good grammatical skills.

✨Jupiter Judges (3/3)

We need judges for the competitions! They will be required to judge the entries in the contests. They should be fair and skilled at their work.

✨Saturn Promoters (1/5)✨

These are the people who promote the society/community. You are required to have more than 200 followers to be a promoter.


✨Asteroid Assistants (3/4)✨

They are there in the community to help plan contests, give ideas and help the community in every way possible. They are the event planners. They will also be required to fill some other positions when the community is facing an issue. So they must have basic knowledge of all other departments too.

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