Chapter 36

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Charlotte found herself sitting at the breakfast table long before the servants stirred, her cheeks cooled by the morning breeze and she sat closest to the fire that she had shakily started herself as she thought of the unrestrained kiss she allowed Sidney to give her. One she had returned with as much passion as he had. In the open for all to potentially see.

Being at such a distance none would have known it was they who kissed. But it was neither decent nor how the conduct of a woman unmarried condition or of climbing years should comport herself.

Mrs. Claudet gasped as she entered the breakfast room.

"Miss Heywood!" she said. "What be ye' doing here, and already with a fire lit?" she asked.

Charlotte blushed and shivered. "I was out for an early walk along the shore."

The woman laughed. "Up before the first crow's cock?" she asked and frowned. "Something must be troubling ye," she whispered.

Sighing Charlotte nodded. "Troubled all the more by the day it would seem."

Mrs. Claudet came to the table and sat a seat beside her.

"Be it that your sister has caught the eye of Mr. Stringer that bothers you?" she asked.

Charlotte shook her head. "No, I wish it were that trivial."

Mrs. Claudet nodded. "Then It is Mr. Parker who has you walking the cold shores at dawn." she clucked her tongue disapprovingly. "You must be needing a cup of tea to fortify against the cold you let soak into your bones, let me go fetch it fer' you Miss."

Charlotte blushed at the cook's insight at her conflict of the heart and winced. If Miss Claudet was the sort to talk openly she would be worried, but the woman knew how to keep her tongue about what she needed to and what secrets to share or fabricate to trade information among other servants.

The morning went by without incident as to the visiting hours, those were another thing entirely. Seemed there was a rumor on the streets of Sanditon that all was not well in a certain Parker Home and Charlotte remained aloof as she tried not to seem interested as the conversation surrounded the conduct of Mrs. Eliza Parker.

But that was impossible as she hung on every word Lady Burell imparted as she nearly spilled her tea on her expensive silks as she animatedly told them of the secret nightly trysts the woman was rumored to have engaged for years.

"How very shocking." Lady Suzan looked to Charlotte then to Alison who was acting overly engaged in the conversation.

"Such a handsome man. Why would anyone betray him?" Alison asked innocently and sipped her cup and looked to Charlotte.

Lady Burell nodded. "Handsome indeed, he is," she fanned herself. "If I were but younger, and well..." she laughed. "I can't imagine why such a woman would act in such a way, but he has seemed to been forced to comport himself in such a public way. It is beyond reproach."

Lady Suzan frowned. "Public way?" she asked.

The woman nodded. "He very openly vacated the apartment they were sharing this afternoon. I only just saw the trunks being loaded and their daughter at his side." she sipped. "It was quietly whispered as you know but now openly said they were living apart for many years before as he would take advantage of his work here and she stayed in London." she laughed. "And with so many admirers it makes one wonder if Lord Sellac is her first....romp," she said cheekily.

Lady Suzan cocked her head. "And where has Mr. Parker gone to?" she asked lifting her delicate cup. "perhaps his brother's house?" she asked.

Lady Burell nodded. "Yes, for the time being, it seems but there too are rumors that there will be a vacancy here in Grandview and I wondered if it was you that was leaving?" she asked.

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