Chapter 13

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"This is a really bad idea." Myra admitted as she followed her aunt through the village. Aviri was simply walking forward, smiling and shaking hands with people she walked past while Myra followed behind her like a lost puppy.

"You didn't have to come with me." Aviri confessed as she rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder. "You could have stayed home."

"Yeah, well I wanted to get out of the house for once."

"Even though you might kill one of these humans?" Aviri asked with a smirk.

"I assume that's why you're with me?" Myra asked with a raised eyebrow. "You wouldn't let me out of the house without making sure I didn't eat anyone, would you?"

"I would certainly do my best, of course."

Myra sighed deeply, watching the people around her. Every person looked to her with huge smiles, bows and blessings. Thanking her for breathing the same air as she did. They practically worshipped her as a God of some kind with how much they did so. They were eternally grateful to see her travelling around as she did.

"Is Peredite with you?" Myra asked nervously.

"Of course." Aviri answered. "Would you prefer she walk with us?"

"It's fine. Whatever she wants. I just... I'm nervous." Myra confessed.

"What happened with Bells exactly? Did you want to attack her?"

"Not attack her, no. But I really wanted to drink her blood, or at least lick what was on my hand off of it. It was kinda hard to fight it." Myra sighed, brushing some hair out of her eyes. "Is it supposed to be like that?"

"For a vampire? Yes. For a hybrid? I have no idea." Aviri looked back ahead of herself. "A being like you has never existed before. So we don't know for sure what to expect."

Sounds amazing. Emma muttered in the back of her mind.

"Shut up." Myra whispered back.

"What was that?" Aviri raised an eyebrow over her shoulder at the younger girl.

"Emma." Myra answered. "She's being annoying."

Aviri chuckled. "Of course she is. You could come out and join us you know? No need to hide in her body."

Myra felt her shade step forward, as if taking a seat at the forefront of her mind as her mouth and arms moved to match Emma's motions instead of her own. "I'm good. I'll stay right here, thanks, where the evil sun can't burn me to a crisp."

"Your sister doesn't have as issues with the sun. She's grown out of it." Aviri answered.

"I might not actually burn, but it still hurts. Like shards of broken glass are exploding across my skin all the time. I don't like it, and I don't need it." Emma answered. "You do you, and I'll do me."

Aviri raised a curious eyebrow, like she was trying to come up with a reason or explanation as to why the shade was still effected by sunlight.

"Did your mother or sister teach you anything about being a Shade?"

"Zoe taught me plenty. Mother taught me nothing." Emma answered. "I get that as I got older the sun was supposed to effect me less, but it still does. It probably has something to do with whatever my mother used to consummate my birth." Emma growled. Myra glanced down to make sure they weren't going to trip over anything since Emma seemed to distracted with ranting to Aviri, though she didn't appear to want to stop her from using her body, just make sure they didn't trip.

"You haven't asked?"

"She doesn't care, so why should I?" Emma scoffed.

"I don't know the full details of it, but to my understanding your father lives and works in the human world." Aviri shrugged. "Though I don't know why you weren't allowed to meet him." Aviri shrugged.

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