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"Al, someone's coming!" 
"You know what to do!"

The young male limped towards the voices, knowing it was a stupid idea. Even so, he had a pistol in a holster under his shirt (which is jammed and pretty unusable right now) and a knife in his boot for safety. If he learned one thing while in the mafia, it was that he needed at least one weapon on him at all times. 

"H-hello..?" He called out, like the stupid person he was. He couldn't see much due to how dark it was but he was able to make out the outline of someone slightly shorter than himself and another person that was just slightly taller. 

'I really shouldn't be doing this.. I won't be able to defend myself if they attack me..'

The thought echoed in his head but he ignored it as he went further into the darkness. After all, it's not like he had anything worth stealing if the people jumped him and his family wouldn't notice if he died. So what did he have to lose aside from pride and dignity.

"Look, I-I don't mean any trouble, and ya can trust that I ain't gonna get da coppers involved. Wouldn't end well fo' me anyways." He let out a weak chuckle. He leaned against the closest wall, vision starting to grow fuzzy and turn black.

The two watched the boy slump over and fall to the ground like a lump of coal. With a shrug, the one in order made the taller one do away with the boy while they finished the job. However, the taller one couldn't just.. do away with him considering he looked near death already and seemed really injured. 

"Can't we take 'im back with us? He looks useful."
"Fine, but he's your problem to deal with, not mine."

𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕚𝕤 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 | HuskerDustМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя