a piece of advice for me in the future

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4 March 2021

Dear me,

Whenever I have art homework or school assignments, I tend to wrack my brain for ways to make my work stand out among my classmates, partly because I crave attention, and also maybe because I've seen films and read stories where there is this autistic kid who no one ever pays attention to and suddenly one day, he/she creates something so impressive that everyone goes, "wow! I didn't know he/she had that in him/her" or something like that. I tend to make my art "peculiar", or simply just different, just to make it stand out.

Well, you don't have to do that. You don't have to stand out every single time. You can be ordinary sometimes. And you can be extraordinary some other times. But not either way forever.

That happens especially when it comes to art homework, because I like art, and I kind of want to show off my exceptional (or so I think) taste of aesthetics. It's worse if you do art like that, because when all you think about is standing out, you're going to lose the most important part of the process of making art —
you. Genuine, you. Creating art is all about expressing yourself , and any kind of pressure or limits will almost certainly ruin it.

If you can't create art to inspire others (and that makes you upset), create art to inspire yourself.

That's all. I hope you've been inspired, because then you'd have successfully inspired yourself, since you were once me and took out about 5 minutes of your life to write this, sending it across time, to you.

Yours sincerely,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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